
Happy New Year ! + Fellowship this Sunday (6 Jan 2008)

Dear brothers/sisters,

As we are approaching 2008, I would like to greet you an early "Happy New Year" ! In 2008, I wish everyone is always fully-filled with God's graces and our spiritual lives grow apace. As to our Philippian Fellowship, I wish she will continue to prosper, to improve and be better than ever. At the beginning of 2008, let's be determined to be complementary, mutually encourage and learn from each other, work together wholeheartedly for the betterment of our spiritual home. Leveraging God’s provisions, striving to become a group of influential Christians, "又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善。" (希伯來書 10:24)

In this forthcoming fellowship on 6 January 2008, Billy and Ryan are going to share with us their testimonies and spiritual growth experiences. During the coming weeks, the committee will invite some more others to share. As some brothers/sisters look to be not well aware of what and how to share, I am attaching herewith (pls get the file from my email if your browsing our blog) the “Letter of Guidance” which Kam Wah wrote to us several months ago.

Brothers/Sisters to serve this coming fellowship: Doris (To share hymns), Antony (Chairperson) and Fowing (Pianist). For the registration matter regarding hymns sharing and chairpersons for the fellowships thereafter, the committee will circulate a form for us to fill in on this Sunday and the committee suggests everyone to take turns to learn and serve.

On this Sunday, we also need to practise hymn, “最珍貴的角落”, for the wedding ceremony of Annie & Alex. Annie previously recommended us this audio weblink (http://www.twango.com/media/pilipalawu.public/pilipalawu.10007) which can help us familiarize ourselves with the hymn. Besides, as our whole fellowship is going to sing hymn(s) at the Sunday service (the 11:30pm session) on 9 March 2008, let’s discuss about this matter on this Sunday.

Furthermore, as advised by Sarah, Raymond will host a small group to study ”使徒信經” starting 4th Jan, 2008. The six classes will be held bi-weekly on every other Friday. See if you are interested.

I am leaving early now and having a drink with some friends in my industry on this New Year’s Eve. Bye Bye now and see you all in 2008 !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Our coming fellowship this Sunday (16 Dec)

Dear brothers/sisters,

The coming fellowship is again the time for testimony and spiritual growth sharing, we have invited Alan and Doris to come to share. After listening to their stories, we can respond to their sharings, pray for their spiritual growth and remind them of anything they are missing spiritually.

Then, we shall have a preview session in respect of our fellowship activities in the first half of next year.
Afterwards, we move on to the second part of our fellowship, that is our Christmas Party time. Raymond and Sarah, our new mentors in 2008, are very kind to invite us to come round their house (which is just next to our church) to celebrate. We should have something to eat for our afternoon tea, wonderful time for casual chat and some games to play ? This should be a great occasion for brothers/sisters to know more about our two new mentors (oh, it should be three including Jimmy Lee).
Really hope all of us can come back to this year-end fellowship la, don't waste Nicole's efforts of arranging fabulous foods for us !
In Christ,
Antony Chiu


親愛的團友們 :



以下是當日大致安排 :
1:00 教會門前集合
1:00 - 2:00 午 飯
2:00 - 3:00 出發前往小西灣
3:00 - 6:00 小西灣 --> 大浪灣
6:00 - 8:00 筲箕灣食晚飯


還有,請著行山look,帶備水、蚊怕水、毛巾、零食......到時見!! 有問題就找我啦!




Dear B/S,
Our fellowship leader, Yvonne, has a message to us with respect to the change of fellowship programme this week. Pls see below. FYI.


親愛的團友 :

上週收到教會通知,由於12月2日舉行葛福臨佈道大會,當日生命查經將會取消。 經各職員和導師商議,有見近天朗氣清,很適合作戶外活動,故提議行山,可以舒展身心。Jimmy 導師為我們揀了一條甚為輕鬆的路線,只屬一星級。以下是行程的資料 : (謝謝 Jimmy!)

I have a very short route 1.5 hour very relax walk (1 star only) from 南灣> 半島 to 大浪灣. See details pictures & comments.
- http://www.fotogb.com/lai/ssu_bwbay (pics)
- http://www.hiking.com.hk/discus/messages/13/11196.html?1116579748 (comments)

We can start after worship. We can have some games, volley ball, frisbees at the beach, pictures taken, throw people into the sea, and end with late afternoon tea 清湯腩 at 大浪灣's roadside tea place.




Question sheets for the 4th BSF study in Dec

Hi all,

I have just emailed out the scanned question sheets in WORD format for our next BSF class to be held in Dec. There are 14 questions in total. Please retrieve it from my email.


Antony Chiu


成人部交流會 + BSF this Sunday (4 Nov)

Dear B/S,

(1) Our spiritual tutor, Jimmy, highly recommends us to join the 成人部交流會 on this coming Sunday (4 Nov : 1-3pm ; 來恩樓六樓 is the venue for this cocktail). As Philippian Fellowship will be promoted to 成人部 starting 2008, this occasion provides us an opportunity to know more about the department and get together with other fellowmen. Please indicate your attendance to Yvonne at yvonnemwh@yahoo.com.hk by this Wednesday for food preparation.

(2) The fellowship activity for this coming Sunday (4th November) is again Bible Study Fellowship. The bible scripture we are going to study in this third session is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 3: Verses 1-30. If you don’t have the set of questions, please get the WORD document from the my email. As there will be a “成人部交流會” during 1-3pm, Bible Study Fellowship for this week will start a bit later at 3:00pm. If you haven’t completed your homework, you are encouraged to do it during the rest of this week !! As usual, please do remember that you need to bring your own bible. Please proceed to the Assembly Hall at 3:00pm and we shall have our worship before study in groups.

See you all on this coming Sunday !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship reminder for this coming Sunday - 21 October

Hello all,

You are cordially reminded to come to our fellowship on this Sunday (21st October). This week, we shall have three sisters, namely Winnie, Ivy and Yvonne, coming to share with us their religious testimonies and spiritual growth. I overheard that they are very serious about this and are in their processes of writing down their testimonies..... Do come and listen their stories. Immediately after that, we are going to have a celebration party for our seventh anniversary of our Philippians Fellowship. Don't forget we also need hymns practice for the wedding ceremony of Carmen and Billy to complete the fellowship this week.

Do join and I shall see you all on this Sunday ! Have a nice week !

People on duty this week : Doris (chairlady), Calvin (hymns sharing) and Nicole (pianist). Thanks for their contributions !

This message is also on our convenient blog : http://hkphi.blogspot.com/

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Question sheets for Bible Study Fellowship #3

Hi, the question sheets for Bible Study Fellowship #3 was sent out by me to your email A/C today. Pls retrieve it from your email A/C if you don't have one......

Antony Chiu


Philippians' Macau Trip Photos

Hi friends,

I just uploaded the photos of our Macau trip. Also I have written a brief travelogue (in my perspective...) about the trip. Please have a look!




Bible Study Fellowship on this coming Sunday (7th Oct)

Dear all,

The fellowship activity for this coming Sunday (7th October) is again Bible Study Fellowship. The bible scripture we are going to study in this Session 2 is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 2: verses 1-49. If you don't have the set of questions, please check my email for the WORD document. YOU ARE REMINDED TO ATTEMPT THE QUESTIONS BEFORE COMING TO OUR DISCUSSION GROUPS. ALSO, PLEASE DO REMEMBER BRING YOUR OWN BIBLE.

Please proceed to the Assembly Hall at 2:15pm and we shall have our worship first. See you all on this Sunday !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu

A Big Thank You to all!

I would like to express my gratitude to all of us who has made this Macau trip go so smoothly. Overall I enjoyed the trip very much and I feel the presence of God with us. Thanks for our time being together and through this trip we get to know each other more.

I will upload my photos onto my multiply.com photo album when I have free time. Also I will try to write up a travelogue of our trip as well.

I will be extremely busy this coming month as well, with piano teaching and piano accompaniment filling up my schedule. Please pray for my health, my time organisation as well as being able to find time to relax.


MACAU! We are coing......

Long time no go. Someone please guide the way!



I tried to build my own facebook several weeks ago. (as suggested by old secondary schoolmate) It sounds interesting. www.facebook.com


A new blog

Hi guys, my newly created blog:


Have a look... besides having my blog entries, this blog enable me to write other posts as well, such as my travel journals, all combined into one. I am still in the process of updating the site, but at the moment I think it is ok to show it to public :-)


The coming fellowship (16 Sept 07) - ERRATUM

Dear brothers/sisters,
This is to remind everybody our fellowship activity for every third Sundays of remaining months this year is to allow brothers/sisters to share their stories/experiences of believing in God and their religious growth since believing. On this Sunday, Carmen and Fowing will start the sharing and we will pray for them together immediately afterwards.
Before the end of the fellowship, we are going to practise hymn for the wedding ceremony of Carmen & Billy.
Our mentor, Kam Wah, has a letter to us detailing why we need such sharing and he has a suggested sharing framework for us to consider. Please check below for his letter.
This message is also posted on our convenient blog : http://hkphi.blogspot.com/
In Christ,
Antony Chiu
Letter from Kam Wah :
「很多人愛講話,有的人甚至說個不停。可是為何每當話題轉到信仰,往往沒談幾句就無話可說了?有時這種沉默顯明我們缺乏基督徒的確信和經歷;有時則是因為先天的靦腆、習慣性的避諱、怕被恥笑或拒絕的原因。只有強烈而積極的動機,才能使我們突破這類攔阻。」─John Stott



成年信徒最大的難處,很多都是群體生活的包袱:怕被人誤解、怕被人拒絕、怕被人批評、也怕被人期望和關注;很多成年信徒都會跟一般城市人一樣,年紀愈長生活圈子就愈窄,個人心境也愈內向。這不是信仰的理想。基督教信仰是一個「為他」(for others)的信仰;耶穌在為世界付出自己之中實踐了愛,人也只能在關愛他人的過程中瞭解和成就自己;愈投入群體,愈能明白自己。這是一份愛的禮物。我鼓勵大家好好預備也好好珍惜這次在團契中分享的機會;也鼓勵大家都以開放又專注的心情聆聽別人的故事。上帝的恩典是藏在地裡的珍寶,事事掉而輕心的人不會尋得著,這寶藏是屬於那些謙卑又留心的人。





9月2日的週會是生命查經第一課 ,查考經文是但以理書 一 : 1-21 ,務請大家記得做查經作業 (請從我的電子郵件提取附有關習題的WORD檔案) ,並請注意以下當日流程 。此外,請大家自備聖經,不要取禮堂之聖經作分組查經用

當日生命查經 4:30pm後,我們將開始練習讚美詩「讓讚美飛揚」(普通話詩歌) ,我們將會在Carmen和Billy的婚禮負責獻唱這首歡樂的詩歌 , 這首詩是Carmen和Billy特別所喜愛的,請大家加緊努力練習!!

中座401 & 中座404
Antony & David負責協調



Antony & Doris








Fowing will be discharged from QM Hospital this afternoon

Hi all,

Fowing will be discharged from QM Hospital this afternoon and he plans to stay in Lap Kei's house in Kennedy Town for a period. In the meantime, anti-rejection drugs dosage is fine-tuned and his present health situation is good and stable despite the fact that he is still suffering from flu. He needs to come back to hospital to see doctors everyday and to manage the wound periodically. He is also required to undergo a PET-SCAN at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital on this Friday, and immediately after that, he needs to resume the anti-cancer Targeted Therapy drug medication. Fowing is quite worried about the side-effects of the anti-cancer drug as he experienced before the transplant. Although he doesn't want to take full dose, doctor said that full dose should be necessary after taking half-dose for 1-2 weeks.

Fowing feels thankful for God's mercy on him and brothers/sisters' prayers. On the contrary, Peter (another patient in Guangzhou who received liver transplant recently) is still in critical period after transplant, let's continue to pray for him.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu

Questions for Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經) Session 1

Hi all brothers/sisters,
This is to remind all of us our church's Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經) commences with the first session on the 2nd of September (Sunday 2:15pm) and all of our Philippian's members have been registered. The bible scripture we are going to study in this Session 1 is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 1: verses 1-21. Pls check your email that I sent to you all several days ago for the WORD document that contains challenging questions for us to attempt. Let's accept the challenge, endeavor to study seriously the relevant scripture and do the homework before coming to our groups discussion and lecture !
In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Latest photos of UK and Qatar

Just uploaded my photos of the UK and Qatar... really enjoy Qatar a lot... with a real authentic Middle Eastern culture... went to the old Souq area, (old market), taking photos at the Al Corniche (the harbour road), went desert safari and had a very delicious Arabian lunch. Also on the last day went north to Umm Salal Mohammed, a town around 20km north of Doha, with some nice old forts. This was my first time to the Middle East and really love it. I hope to have chance to visit nearby countries again. (like Dubai, Oman, Jordan, Egypt or Israel...) :-)

My photo album: http://lonelytraveller01.multiply.com/photos


Fowing has safely arrived Queen Mary Hospital (Amended Version)

Dear all,

Fowing safely arrived Queen Mary Hospital in this afternoon with his mother's companion. After examination by Prof. Fan and some other QM doctors, Fowing's current status is regarded as "GOOD AND STABLE" ! Praise Lord ! Fowing is required to stay in QM Hospital for around a week for the purpose of close monitoring, physical examination and fine-tuning drugs medication. He has already settled himself and his mother has come home. We feel thankful for God's healing, guidance and provision made on him.

Brothers and sisters can visit him and the visiting hours are : (1) 12-1pm ; and (2) 6-8pm daily. He is staying at Block A, 3/F, Bed No. 20.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu



遇見神 - 張敬軒 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2f1YtoYAew

"看天邊飄過雲海 告訴世界幻變常在 ............................ 如何人心粉碎像微塵 無言留淚 滿身抖震 如何遇見神 被擁抱 再得起身 明明平安彷彿天邊遠 流連遊盪 暗失方寸 然而遇見神 被指引 再生精采心內滲 只因有你 今天有你 了不起 誰無遐想一生精采佳美 由誰來導 演出好戲 人能遇見神 是福氣 最終高飛 從來難數高低多少次 何時成就 那天失意 前途幻變時 路雖遠 有這福氣心內暖"

最終了十多分鐘,車內冷氣開始凍起來,身體和情緒都下來。反而在靜修中,我沒有看聖經,我只是望天望海。繼續"看天邊飄過雲海 告訴世界幻變常在.................."

科榮,將這歌送給你,希望你喜歡啦!(有D似電台點唱,以前好興架!) WELCOME BACK!



剛收到科榮的電話, 說巳租了一輛私家車於下星期二從中山三院直達香港瑪麗醫院, 並於同日會見范醫生 .現在傷口痛楚巳減少, 但仍然需要服頗多藥物. 回港後才拆線. 請大家繼續為科榮的康復而代禱.
另外,科榮的一位叫Peter So 的病友剛換了肝, 但進展並不很順利. 科榮希望我們能為他代禱.
Antony (Doris 代筆)





1) 首半小時讓團友們寫下過去半年感恩的事(可行的話建議團友在週會前準備),然後分享及祈禱;
2) 為教會與同工的需要祈禱;
3) 跟據團友於17/6週會寫下欲為香港 / 中國 / 世界禱告的事情祈禱。








親愛的弟兄姊妹 :









Updated situation of Yvonne's father

Dear brothers/sisters,

Yvonne said that her father needs to undergo an operation to cut a swelling on his neck (the swelling symptom was a result of a lung disease). Her father was admitted to the hospital last night as he was not feeling well at his heart (possibly a side-effect of the drugs medication for the lung disease).

Yvonee would like us to pray for the operation of his father which will be carried out tonight. Both Yvonne and Calvin are on their way home. Pls also pray for their efforts of taking care of Yvonne's father, rest and peace.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu






畢竟,我是中國籍的,雖定居香港已30年。小時候也賞過不少大陸仔的對待(當時未叫亞燦)。現在身在中國廣州市,換了一個廣州市民的肝。在這裡如果向人說什麼香港人、中國人、半個中國人就不像樣了。他們會覺得見外,所謂'別扭'。很多時候與他們聊天都會以交流生活體驗為主,說說香港的生活和教會生活。知道他們多多少少都期望2008年的來臨,不是因為北京奧運,而是他們知道國家正在為教育、醫療、住房、基礎文化等民生政策上進行整頓(最近十幾天的籃天白雲,香港天文台今日承認是廣東省環保措施的成效以及夏天天氣的原故)。我不在他們所有民生問題裡頭,不知道現時和最終是怎樣?不過,想起那些不爭氣的同胞作出的假蛋、蘇丹紅雞蛋、孔雀石綠淡水魚、二甘醇牙膏、醫院殺人假藥等,真令人氣憤。這是故有的文化造成?會令中國臭名遠播嗎?會成為外國排斥中國貨的藉口?我在廣州尋醫、住院差不多四個月,發現不少醫護人員的素質都很好;私相授受的情況仍然有,但見到年青的一輩在這環境能夠堅持自己的原則,做好自己的本份,實在也是難得。盼望2008年會有美好的景象。這改變不多不少是出於國際壓力,但畢竟又有一個開始。回想上年11月我開始了標靶抗癌藥治療,大陸召開了全國人體器官移植管理峰會。當時,對我沒有什麼直接影響,有了規範都好。隨著一連串有關肝病的新聞,我見到神在掌管。祂要我知道,彷彿也要問我信祂有多少。不久知道國際有關團體,法輪功人事,強力迫使中國立定器官移植法規,而最後就成了現在這裡病人無奈地等待的情景。欲速則不達,顯而易見。不是立例不好,而是頒佈後令人無所適從。細節尚未考慮和決定,就急於公佈。這是我最難接受的。這是困境中的教導?我似乎開始明白多些經上"我們曉得萬事都互相效力、 叫愛神的人得益處、就是按 祂旨意被召的人。(羅8:28)"






Fellowship on this coming Sunday (15 July)

Dear brothers/sisters,

Please be reminded that the fellowship activity for this coming Sunday (15 July) is ”生命之道”. As this is the fourth series and the last of its kind, you definitely can’t afford to miss this precious learning opportunity. Do come back and join us ! As usual, there will be a lecture delivered by our renowned teacher 梁國權先生 followed by small groups discussion/sharing amongst brothers/sisters of Philippian fellowship. The relevant bible scripture we will be studying is the continuation of the last series, i.e., 創世記第三章. It would be beneficial to do some self-study beforehand so as to maximize our learning effectiveness. See you all on this weekend !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu















回歸十年,畢業十年,與香港一同經歷當中的起跌,金融風暴、沙士 ....... 不用我多說。今天,在一片歌舞昇平回歸慶典中,大家有沒有想到香港角色、香港未來的發展路向,是否繼續著眼於紙上富貴,炒起股票,炒起房地產,炒起自己(要多D人工),甚至炒起豬肉呢?

收聽:徐淑蘭 (一顆不變心) http://www.rthk.org.hk/special/ourhkstories/media/chui.asx

收聽:其他 http://www.rthk.org.hk/special/ourhkstories/index.htm

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Music Video

http://blog.xuite.net/go700/700/10072589 for you Fowing!


早上又大聲唱歌。其實從ICU內已經是這樣。可能想保持心肺功能(就算插住胃管都唱得很大聲)。哈!唱的品種很多;最近好喜歡唱一個我中四中五年代的歌劇。歌劇名叫Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat。那時我不知道是聖經故事,但愛它裡頭的兩首插曲,到現在仍可一字不漏地唱誦出來。當然很少機會唱給人聽啦。現在想同大家分享這兩首歌的歌詞。

Any Dream Will Do

Artist: Joseph & Children Lyrics
Song: Any Dream Will Do Lyrics

I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
To see for certain what I thought I knew
Far far away, someone was weeping
But the world was sleeping
Any dream will do

Joseph & Children

I wore my coat, with golden lining
Bright colours shining, wonderful and new
And in the east, the dawn was breaking
And the world was waking
Any dream will do


A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children

May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children

May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

Close Every Door
Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light
Do what you want with me,
Hate me and laugh at me
Darken my daytime
And toture my night
If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world
Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Israel
Are never alone
For I know I shall find
My own peace of mind
For I have been promised
A land of my own


Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light

Just give me a number
Instead of my name
Forget all about me
And let me decay
I do not matter,
I'm only one person
Destroy me completely
Then throw me away
If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world

Joseph, Ensemble & Children

Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Israel
Are never alone
For we know we shall find
Our own peace of mind
For we have been promised
A land of our own


好想再欣賞這歌劇,相信感覺會不同。我知道近年有返做,但男主角已換掉。懷念Jason Donovan那一齣。



各位親愛的團友 :


Cindy : 看看你在那天能否返來啦!

Fowing : 或者那天你可以現身分享了。


Yvonne (Calvin 代行)









Ivy 和我在過去一年很多個晚上讀詩篇,其中有一篇,不必多講,一定是我們的支持,常常背誦,互相勉勵。就我個人現在的領受,想同大家分享一段寶貴的生/心路歷程。













其實我很清楚,應該比任何人清楚。( 生命不單是屬於我的了,金錢也不屬於我的了。非常輕散…我要愛惜自己的生命和健康;要愛靈魂的生命;要更愛主你!)



Fowing in GuangZhou

今天,扶風一家、Yvonne和我到廣州探望科榮。科榮已由ICU轉入普通隔離病房已數天,他身體康復情況理想,精神狀態不俗,與我們交談良久,但科榮講話比我們多,他說了很多神的同在、弟兄姊妹的禱告、支持,特別關心伯母及IVY的身體狀況。現在,科榮仍會留在廣州接受觀察,幸好科榮姐姐會留在廣州到27日,她和伯母可以一起照料科榮。現附科榮相片兩張 http://calcal.smugmug.com/gallery/3027460

Bible Study Fellowships (生命查經)

Dear brothers/sisters,

With an aim of fostering brothers/sisters' sustained habits of serious Bible study and personal relationship with God, our church is organising "Bible Study Fellowships" (生命查經) for us on the following four set dates : (1) 2nd Sept ; (2) 7th October ; (3) 4th November ; (4) 2nd December. As these four dates are the first Sundays of those respective months, Philippian Fellowship doesn't want to miss these four learning chances by incorporating these as part of our fellowship programme in the second half of this year.

Bible Study Fellowship is an international system (there are many classes following this system all over the world) of structured Bible study. The Bible Study System is highly organised and disciplined and it involves four elements :

(1) notes with questions given beforehand to encourage personal Bible study and participants are required to do homework;
(2) discussion groups (of up to 10 people) for sharing of personal answers to questions and communicating truth. For those who haven't done the homework (not encouraged to do so), they are not allowed to share answers but they can still participate. To encourage attendance, those who are absent for more than twice will be disqualified ;
(3) a lecture by our good class teacher (梁國權先生) covering the scripture with explanations of backgrounds/context being studied and applications for daily living plus responses to questions that may arise; and
(4) finally a set of reference materials reinforcing lesson from the class (plus a new set of notes with questions for the forthcoming class).

I am going to register for the following Philippian individuals (you are welcomed to tell me if you are not on this list but you are eager to participate) :


Kam Wah
Sue Keung

Should anyone listed here anticipate unavailability of participation, please don't hesitate to inform me. Besides, Ryan and I are temporarily confirmed as team leaders of the two groups for the purpose of coordinating discussion. If anyone wants to be the team leader, please tell me and I will be more than happy to arrange it. Furthermore, the worship immediately before the four classes call for brother/sisters to do hymns sharing. As such, please tell me if you are moved to share hymns and indicate which session you would like to do so. Thanks a lot !

May we gain more and grow together spiritually !
Bible Study Fellowship message (生命查經) on our Philippian blog : http://hkphi.blogspot.com/

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Ivy will be transferred to another ward within Caritas Medical Centre

Dear all,

Alan has just told me that it had been confirmed to transfer Ivy to gynecology within Caritas Medical Centre at "懷信樓 10樓 A座" later today pending for some other specialised examinations. No need to transfer her to another hospital. Dunno the bed no. and Alan says it is OK to ask nurse there for the bed no. by giving the full name of Ivy (張慧卿). We can visit her during 5-8pm.

Address of Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院) is ”九龍深水埗永康街111號 “. Hospital Tel : 3408 7911

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Ivy is in Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院)

Dear all,

Alan says it has not been confirmed that Ivy contracts the illness of 盲腸炎 and doctors are still investigating the cause. Despite this, all the relevant check and scans have been booked at the earliest possible time. We can visit her during 5-8pm.

She is staying at "懷信樓2樓 B座 210號床".

Address of Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院) is ”九龍深水埗永康街111號 “. Hospital Tel : 3408 7911

In Christ,

Antony Chiu




Possible Liver Transplant Tonight

Dear B/S,

Ivy just called me saying Fowing's mother had just been called to go to the hospital which Fowing is staying immediately. It seems that there is a suitable liver for Fowing (but still not very sure if that is really for Fowing). Ivy is going to Guangzhou immediately in preparation for such possible transplant operation which may be carried out tonight or tomorrow.

Please pray for the safety of Ivy, relevant preparations and the possible operation. May our Lord give peace to Fowing, Fowing's mother and Ivy. Thanks.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


An afterthought from movie --- 舉自塵土 (Raised from Dust)

On June 3rd I went to see this movie with a few friends from church. The story from this movie, despite being very simple without many up and downs like many of the ones that came out from hollywood, is one of the most thought provoking movie I have ever watched. To be honest, I can't stop thinking about this movie the whole day.

This movie took place in the rural area of Henan province in China and narrates about the life of a Christian woman, Xiaoli and her relationship with her rural church. Despite living in poverty, she still participates in the marching band of her church, has to look after her husband who suffered from a serious lung disease plus her daughter who has to go to school. However, living in extreme poverty prove to be difficult as she can hardly finance both her husband's treatment as well as to pay for her daughter's tuition fee in school. The movie shows her tremendous faith in God during all these difficult life trials, even though at the end of the story, the situation remains helpless. Due to insufficient finance to meet her needs, she ended up giving up her husband's treatment and her husband died on her way back home from the hospital, and her daughter has to quit school due to the inability to pay her tuition fees. At the very end, it shows much sarcarsm as it portraits Xiaoli and her daughter siting at their dining table (as plotted many times throughout the movie), and singing the famous prayer of thanksgiving...

"Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, for the food, for the food... thank you for the blessing, thank you for the blessing, A-men, A-men."

(The music goes like this, 1 2 3 1 / 1 2 3 1 / 3 4 5 - / 3 4 5 - / 5654 3 1 / 5654 3 1 / 1 5 1 - / 1 5 1 - // )

This movie indeed portrait many of the life difficulties in rural China. The comparison of Xiaoli's life difficulties through financing the expense of both her husband's treatment as well as her daughter's tuition fee with that of the thanksgiving prayer song (in English!!!) is thought provoking. The movie director (Gan Xiao-er) could have round the ending up with a happy ending (for example, with God answering all their prayer and Xiaoli's husband recovered from her illness and someone sponsored Xiaoli's daughter's tuition fees, all because of the grace of God...), but instead he did not. The ending was just as helpless as the beginning...

One of the many "provoking thoughts" that this movie shows is how we view God's grace and God's leaderships towards our lives. Is God's grace always about giving us a happy ending? What is our faith in God bases upon? Is it only bases upon the fact that God will always give us a happy ending and meeting our end needs? This movie in fact, shows that it is not. In God's perspective, everything is being "raised from dust." It is only upon God's grace that we got to live our daily lives. As a result, every day we live is a grace from God.

Being able to live in Hong Kong, we really should be thanksful to God where despite how poor we can be, we can always meet our end needs. Comparing to facing extreme difficulties to meeting with end needs in rural China, the many problems in Hong Kong just didn't stand in comparison. It is sad to see how many of us from Hong Kong frequently complains about the lack of quality in life, standing too much during church service, food being too cold, too tiring to get up, classes being too boring, piano tutorial being too difficult to learn...

There are many things that we can learn from Xiaoli in this movie. To be honest, how is our faith towards God? Can our faith be like Xiaoli, whom despite facing extreme toughless in life, shows no words of complains, but only her pure trust that God will lead her life through? If someone from rural China can? Why can't we? (We should also add a heart of thanksgiving!)






My New Travel Blog

Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to view my new blog:


This blog will solely consist of my travelogues, and all my other writings will be back in my xanga page:


My intention of separating my travelogues from my xanga page is to create my own travel blog, and hopefully travel enthusiasts will find it a pleasure to read. Currently I am writing my travelogues of my Baltic trip back in July 2006.

Please feel free to have a read as I will update this blog periodically and as much as possible.

Also, I have a new email address: lonelytraveller01@gmail.com




Click to enlarge. Please help to fill in the blanks, especially pianist. (email me at calvincwc@gmail.com. URGENT!)














Suddenly I want to get some 詩歌 play in my second home (I mean my Stream). I found out this website: http://www.cmidi.net/frontpage.html , you can listen to most of songs there. I think Stephen can play most of the songs. Take a look there!

My colleague got a new baby boy

As I mentioned in previous blog, my colleague is taking 3week leave for his new baby. Today, he got a new baby boy, 6.5lbs. Congras! My worklord seems ok these two days. But, the climate makes me sick. Even I turn the air-con to the highest power at home, I am still sweating. Poor me!


各位親愛的弟兄姊妹 :






本主日之週會為禱告課程第三講,第一部分為各團友對祈禱之分享,分享內容包括個人祈禱模式 / 信仰經驗、祈禱中的掙扎 / 情意結,請大家準備。第二部分為Q & A時間,大家可先思考對禱告的疑問,Susanne建議我們最多作出兩項提問。其後有生日會,5-7月的生日之星有Denise, Benny, Elaine, Winnie, Rebecca, Billy, Cindy還有阿富(Joseph),有誰願意為生日會預備美食呢?有興趣請與我聯絡。



連小弟也要學習blog這東西, 就証明潮流是不可逆轉的 .....

恭喜腓立比團也有自己的blog! 攪手是否期望這個blog可以鼓勵團友有新的溝通模式呢?

雖然有些尷尬, 也多謝有心人將小弟的"單位"放上結連 .....

順便一提 : 小弟這個星期日要到禮賢會中心堂講道, 請在禱告中記念, 因近日狀態不佳, 有些微老人痴呆症狀, 怕到時亂講錯野就唔係太好勒....



Back to Normal from tomorrow

After 5 days holidays (from 24/5 to 28/5), my life will be back to normal. I will go to work again tomorrow. My team-mate will take 3-week holiday for his coming baby. I cannot imagine the workload then, but I hope my boss can land someone to help (actually, short-handed at this moment already). From the latest email from Ivy, please keep praying for Fowing. Yvonne and I missed to visit Fowing last weekend (as yvonne's father is still staying in Tuen Mun Hospital, he turns a bit better, but gets fever during night time), but Ivy, Elaine, David and Ryan visited Fowing even in extermely hot climate. Thanks! Meanwhile, please pray for our mentor Fu Fung, Denise and family. I met you two in church on Sunday, but did not have a long talk. Anyway, 求神加力與扶風一家!


Congrats on the new blog

That's great... we finally have our blog, may God bless each one of you and may this blog be a witness to what God has done in our lives.


hello! 歡迎來到腓立比團的網誌...


Welcome to our fellowship Blog. Let's post something on this blog and see how this trial goes.
