
Happy New Year ! + Fellowship this Sunday (6 Jan 2008)

Dear brothers/sisters,

As we are approaching 2008, I would like to greet you an early "Happy New Year" ! In 2008, I wish everyone is always fully-filled with God's graces and our spiritual lives grow apace. As to our Philippian Fellowship, I wish she will continue to prosper, to improve and be better than ever. At the beginning of 2008, let's be determined to be complementary, mutually encourage and learn from each other, work together wholeheartedly for the betterment of our spiritual home. Leveraging God’s provisions, striving to become a group of influential Christians, "又要彼此相顧,激發愛心,勉勵行善。" (希伯來書 10:24)

In this forthcoming fellowship on 6 January 2008, Billy and Ryan are going to share with us their testimonies and spiritual growth experiences. During the coming weeks, the committee will invite some more others to share. As some brothers/sisters look to be not well aware of what and how to share, I am attaching herewith (pls get the file from my email if your browsing our blog) the “Letter of Guidance” which Kam Wah wrote to us several months ago.

Brothers/Sisters to serve this coming fellowship: Doris (To share hymns), Antony (Chairperson) and Fowing (Pianist). For the registration matter regarding hymns sharing and chairpersons for the fellowships thereafter, the committee will circulate a form for us to fill in on this Sunday and the committee suggests everyone to take turns to learn and serve.

On this Sunday, we also need to practise hymn, “最珍貴的角落”, for the wedding ceremony of Annie & Alex. Annie previously recommended us this audio weblink (http://www.twango.com/media/pilipalawu.public/pilipalawu.10007) which can help us familiarize ourselves with the hymn. Besides, as our whole fellowship is going to sing hymn(s) at the Sunday service (the 11:30pm session) on 9 March 2008, let’s discuss about this matter on this Sunday.

Furthermore, as advised by Sarah, Raymond will host a small group to study ”使徒信經” starting 4th Jan, 2008. The six classes will be held bi-weekly on every other Friday. See if you are interested.

I am leaving early now and having a drink with some friends in my industry on this New Year’s Eve. Bye Bye now and see you all in 2008 !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
