
Fowing will be discharged from QM Hospital this afternoon

Hi all,

Fowing will be discharged from QM Hospital this afternoon and he plans to stay in Lap Kei's house in Kennedy Town for a period. In the meantime, anti-rejection drugs dosage is fine-tuned and his present health situation is good and stable despite the fact that he is still suffering from flu. He needs to come back to hospital to see doctors everyday and to manage the wound periodically. He is also required to undergo a PET-SCAN at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital on this Friday, and immediately after that, he needs to resume the anti-cancer Targeted Therapy drug medication. Fowing is quite worried about the side-effects of the anti-cancer drug as he experienced before the transplant. Although he doesn't want to take full dose, doctor said that full dose should be necessary after taking half-dose for 1-2 weeks.

Fowing feels thankful for God's mercy on him and brothers/sisters' prayers. On the contrary, Peter (another patient in Guangzhou who received liver transplant recently) is still in critical period after transplant, let's continue to pray for him.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
