
New Clinics Grand Opening !

Dear B/S,

(1) Dr. Philip Tsui has recently established his new dental clinic in Central. He requests the honour of our presence at the thanksgiving celebration to be held on 6th Dec 2008 (this Saturday). As a token of congratulation, you may want to drop by and send your grateful blessings to him. Philip suggested that the best time for us to go is sometime between 2pm-5pm.

Philip's new clinic address: Room 1101, 11/F Winway Bldg, 50 Wellington Street, Central, HK (just next to『鏞記』).

(2) Another equally delighted event is that Alan's own eye clinic in Mongkok also becomes operational TODAY !! Congratulations !

I wish their new businesses to prosper, their patients to benefit and their professional careers to scale new heights in the many years to come !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Nov 30)

Dear B/S,

(1) Fellowship this Sunday (Nov 30) is Bible Study Fellowship and chapters to cover are Daniel Ch.10-12. No homework required but please read those chapters before joining the class. One hour instruction by teacher Mr. Leung will be followed by half-hour group discussion and Q&A session.

(2) Please remember to return me your completed application form for 2009 Bible Study Fellowship this Sunday (last day of application). If you don't have the hard-copy, please use the attached application form. We are going to study Exodus (出埃及記) next year.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Chairperson: Winnie
To Share Hymns: Rebecca
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Nov 9)

Dear B/S,

Further to our "情緒、陷落、靈命突破" talk last month, Ms. Ellie Chan (陳幼莉老師) will come again and deliver another seminar on the same topic this Sunday. Build on conceptual framework of the previous session, this second one will be more practical oriented and possibly with some real case studies. She will try to bridge the gap between emotion and spiritual development.

Besides, Annie Mak will share with us her religious testimony this Sunday. Let's give her encouragement !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Nov-9 (This Sunday !)
Chairperson: Alan
To Share Hymns: Alan
Pianist: Nicole

Chairperson: Winnie
To Share Hymns: Rebecca
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmarkour Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


2009 Bible Study Fellowship Application

Dear B/S,

(1) Our next Bible Study Fellowship (the last BSF class in 2008) whichcovers Daniel Chapter 10-12 will be held on Nov 30. No need to do “homework” for the last class, but please read the last three Chapters before coming to the class.

(2) We will have another totally new BSF class in 2009 (eight classes in total) which covers Exodus (出埃及記). This course will be organized by中國神學研究院. Again, we will incorporate this new course in our 2009 Philippian Fellowship program. Please get an application form from my email for participants to fill out. Although we will do it in two groups, 中神 required every single participant to submit an application form. Deadline of application is Nov 30, so please complete the application formand return it to me by deadline.

Those B/Ss who didn’t participate in our Daniel BSF class are also encouraged to apply for this new 2009 course !

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Oct 26)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship activity this Sunday (Oct 26) is Bible Study Fellowship. We will study Daniel Chapter 9, please remember to attempt the questions of the attached question sheets ah (pls get the question sheets file from my email if you are browsing our blog).

Besides, Annie Mak will share with us her religious testimony this Sunday and we also have to practice hymn for Stephanie's wedding wor....!

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Oct-26 (This Sunday !)
Testimony Sharing: Annie

Chairperson: Alan
To Share Hymns: Alan
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Winnie
To Share Hymns: Rebecca
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Oct 12)

Dear B/S,

We have invited Ms. Ellie Chan (陳幼莉老師) of "中國神學研究院" to give us a talk on the topic of "情緒、陷落、靈命突破" this Sunday (Oct 12). Ellie is well experienced in the area of counselling and she used to be the teacher of both Kam Wah and Jimmy. She prepares to share with us in two separate sessions.

Besides, Annie Mak will share with us her religious testimony this Sunday. Let's give her encouragement !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Oct-12 (This Sunday !)
Testimony Sharing: Annie
Chairperson: Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Billy
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Alan
To Share Hymns: Alan
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Winnie
To Share Hymns: Rebecca
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Hymn Practice for Stephanie's Wedding (Oct 5)

Dear B/S,

We are going to start practising hymn for the wedding of Stephapnie & Mars next Sunday (Oct 5). All Philippian B/S are invited to join if you want to contribute a part in their wedding and send blessing to them. Let's have lunch together first and then start hymn practice immediately after lunch.

Name of Hymn : 新的開始 (This wedding hymn is really romantic and high-sounding ! I like it !!)

Weblink of the hymn (with sound track and lyrics) :
http://www.gcc.org.hk/avlib/index.php?URL=http://www.gcc.org.hk/avlib/prod_detail.php?prod_id=1473# (Click this weblink first, then press "播放" button followed by "繼續收看" button)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Sept 28)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship this Sunday (Sept 28) will be the first of a series of three sessions on the topic of "負面情緒與靈命突破". This first session mainly covers relevant bible study (創 4:3-17) with adjuvant group discussion and sharing (Jimmy, Carmen, Doris and Antony will lead the discussion). If you have time, you are encouraged to take a look at the WORD material (pls get it from my email) with bible scripture and questions inside to be discussed. Please print it and bring it back this Sunday.

Besides, Rev. Chang and Elder Wong will also come to our fellowship at around 4pm to discuss and share the "Tree Chop" issue.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Chairperson: David
To Share Hymns: David
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing: Annie
Chairperson: Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Billy
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Alan
To Share Hymns: Alan
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


回覆: 謝謝你們的關懷

Dear Fowing

The Lord will continue walking with you throughout, in days of good and bad, and in times of joy and sorrow. His promises never fail. His love endures forever.

In Christ

> 寄件者: Kerwin <kerwin@suncupid.com>
> 日期: 2006/06/07 星期三 上午 04:30:02 HKT
> 收件者: <philippians@hkphi.org>, <fowing1.posting@blogger.com>
> 主旨: 謝謝你們的關懷
> 弟兄姊妹,
> 今日中午我又要動手術,切去左肺的一小塊。現在心裡平安,有將要解脫的感覺;自己已將結果交上,相信天父會為我安排最好的。
> 在病房裡眼見其他人面對生命中的種種難處,自己也好想為他們祈求,希望他們能得著主耶穌的愛,得到安慰。手術可能令自己日後生活再難一點,但相信神的恩典是夠用的。在病患中是困苦,身邊的人也會感到傷痛,但主你卻走近,使我們發現你的同在,你的心意。
> 再感激有你們同行,一同擁抱上帝吧!
> 科榮~:}
> 崇拜中有聽到羅馬書5:1-4

RE: 謝謝你們的關懷

分享這段經文。See you soon.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kerwin [mailto:kerwin@suncupid.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 4:30 AM
To: philippians@hkphi.org; fowing1.posting@blogger.com
Subject: 謝謝你們的關懷






1. 我們既因信稱義,就藉著我們的主耶穌基督得與神相和。
2. 我們又藉著他,因信得進入現在所站的這恩典中,並且歡歡喜喜盼望神的榮耀。
3. 不但如此,就是在患難中也是歡歡喜喜的;因為知道患難生忍耐,
4. 忍耐生老練,老練生盼望;


Fellowship this Sunday (Aug 24)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship activity this Sunday is Bible Study Fellowship. For its details and the necessary question sheets, please check my yesterday's email.

Let me take this convenience to refresh your memory of B/S' services to upcoming fellowships, on the basis of my record, as follows :

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Chairperson: Yvonne
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: David
To Share Hymns: David
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing: Annie
Chairperson: Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Billy
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Question Sheets for BSF #8

Dear B/S,

Our Bible Study Fellowship comes around again this August and we are going to study Daniel Chapter 8. I have just sent you an email with necessary questions in three image files. The questions seem a bit tougher than usual, hence, we had better prepare for them sooner rather than later. Haha..... Thanks.


Date : 24th August (Sunday)
Time : 2:15pm-4:15pm
Venue: 來恩樓6樓

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Aug 10)

Dear B/S,

We are honoured by having Mr. Chiu Sin Wing who is a Christian and a responsible officer for Hong Kong Fair Trade Power (香港公平貿易動力) coming to share with us a branch of social responsibility topic which relates to fair trade this Sunday. With the mission of promoting fair trade practices in HK and China, the social enterprise strengthens consumers' understanding of the concepts of fair trade and markets fair trade products.

Why is this topic important and relevant to us ? In today's extremely competitive markets where developed countries with strong government backing (do you remember what the critics of the World Trade Organization pleaded for ??) and efficient commercial giants (some of them don't follow the rules of fair game) are taking substantial market share globally or even monopolizing every industry, the market failure is that upstream raw materials producers with poor bargaining power like farmers and factory workers are the weakest link without protection against deprivation of basic monetary rewards and human rights. Fair trades transact in alternative markets organised by social organizations just like Hong Kong Fair Trade Power, or the likes. Such social enterprises rigidly ensure that the set of fair trade principles (against unfair international trade treaties) and socially responsible practices (e.g. reasonable pay and working conditions for workers/farmers, production processes are environmental friendly and minorities are protected) are strictly adhered to along the whole product supply chain and encourage socially responsible consumptions by linking up supportive consumers and the network of self-help producers whose livelihoods require protection.

Fair Trade is a thought-provoking topic that can lead to a radical reshaping of the ways we consume. Mr. Chiu Sin Wing is going to give us detailed explanations this Sunday. WANNA COME AND HEAR HIS STRATEGIES ?

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Aug-10 (This Sunday !)
Testimony Sharing: Yannie
Chairperson: Doris
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Yvonne
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: Alan
To Share Hymns: Yannie
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (July 27)

Dear B/S,

Raymond Tam, our mentor and a seasoned government official who is assuming the responsibilities of the Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the HKSAR, is glad to find time to come to our fellowship and give us a speech this Sunday. The main thing that the talk will be concerned with is the relationship between Christianity and Politics, supplemented by some elements of social responsibility as one is connected with another.

Raymond is prepared to set out some guiding principles followed by a Q&A session. Does Christianity contain a political dimension ? Are there any political currents in either Old Testament or New Testament writing ? With extensive experience in the government sector, has Raymond ever found anything difficult or even impossible to make political decision that might conflict with his religion ? Whenever there is such a conflict, how does he get his job done while not compromise his religion ? As a current policy setter who had been with the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR, what are Mr. Tam’s latest thoughts of addressing current social responsibility issues like income/wealth inequality in both HK and our Chinese hinterland, deterioration of our environment and protecting the interests of racial minorities ? How does a general Christian like you and I participate in righteousness of the human society, and social responsibility in particular ?

God is LOVE; HE cares the whole world and human being. Hence, Christians cannot afford not to care social and political topics ‘oh’….. Don’t miss this golden chance of hearing Raymond’s speech, I am sure we can learn hugely from him !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

July-27 (This Sunday !)
Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing : Yannie
Chairperson : Doris
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Yvonne
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (July 13)

Dear B/S,

Thanks Jimmy for writing the following fellowship promotion today :

"This Sunday we will have the last workshop on Spiritual Growth & Vocation.
How do we confirm our gifts? What is God's Will on each on us (according to ourgifts...)? Sarah is leading us to conduct some test & sharing on the topic. Pls bring the completed questionaire to the fellowship this Sunday.
http://www.youtheart.org.hk/index.php?id=229 (屬靈恩賜評估表)"

There are many possible channels for Christians to devote themselves, our God bestowed different talents on each one of us and we have to find out what they are. In a word, so long as we dedicate our lives with faith and prayers, we should be able to fully bring our capabilities into play. Sarah will have more details at the weekend.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

July-13 (This Sunday !)
Chairperson : Antony
To Share Hymns: Elaine
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing : Yannie & Annie
Chairperson : Doris
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Photos of Iceland

My photos of Iceland:


One of the most beautiful countries I have been...







Fellowship this Sunday (June 15)

Dear B/S,

Hi ! I hope you had an enjoyable Dragon Boat Festival ! Did you participate in any dragon boat races ? Or you ate a lot of steamed glutinous rice dumplings ? I like the salty one with meat wrapped inside, yummy ! Hope nobody ate uninhibitedly too much or ate/drank oneself sick ! Haha.....

Back in our fellowship this Sunday, we will have both Rebecca's testimony sharing and further exploration of the topic of “自我認識與成長”. I remember that Philippians were excited about the test results they obtained from the “Enneagram of Personality”(九形人格) test several weeks ago. Some B/S couldn’t distinguish one personality type from another owing to their level scores for various personality items. In an effort to help B/S know more about themselves, Jimmy is going to add more remarks on the front of results interpretation, and of course, its applications, limitations as well as confusion. Not only does ”九形人格” help us know who we are, it also enables us to discover the gift and talents given by our beloved God.

Jimmy will put more emphasis on how the psychological test relates to the Bible. For instance, immediately after recognizing our personality, how can we make our light shine by developing the quality of being good, honest and truthful as if the Bible teaches us ? Jimmy will also introduce us to several appropriate prayers, and most likely the mentor will discuss the ways we can learn from each other given character dissimilarities amongst B/S. In sum, the key focus of the coming workshop will be the channels we can understand and spiritually upgrade ourselves based on the principles and teachings of the holy book.

Philippians. Support each other, Learn more from each other.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

June-15 (This Sunday !)
Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: Nicole

July-13 (With effect from July, fellowships will be held on the second and last Sundays until further notice)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (June 1)

Dear B/S,

Well ! It is coming round to Bible Study Fellowship again. We are to study Daniel Chapter 7 this Sunday, June 1. You might have learnt that Daniel encountered a series of visions, Chapter 7 particularly talks about the dream and vision that Daniel had while he was asleep one night. There were four powerful beasts.............What the devil do you think they are ???

I am enclosing a WORD file (pls get it from my email if you are browsing our blog) with relevant question sheets in case you don’t have it. As usual, the BSF will be held at 來恩樓7樓 at 2:15pm this Sunday. I will see you then !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

June-15 (Three Weeks Later !)
Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

July-13 (With effect from July, fellowships will be held on the second and last Sundays until further notice)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


"九型人格" personality test and its applications

Dear B/S,

I found a website (http://tzemaggie.sinatown.com/main5.htm) that offers an enormous set of 180 ”九型人格” questions (so it should be representative enough) ! It also gives thorough interpretation of test result. More importantly, it gives SUGGESTIONS to different types of persons. In addition to knowing oneself and others (in order to more effectively deal with others, e.g. to advance or retreat when there is a confrontation in social setting), it says that the equally important application for us to note is the “Early Alarm System” which should be ready in good time before one’s personality becoming “UNHEALTHY”. Those “suggestions” tell us how to match our strengths with opportunities and avoid potential threats by recognizing weaknesses of a particular personality. VERY USEFUL !

Jimmy, 鄺炳釗博士 wrote a relevant book called “從聖經看如何認識和提升自己”, the above-mentioned website cited it. I am not sure it is you who mentioned this sometime ago ? I wonder if you have it and it may be useful to B/S, at least for our second workshop of “自我認識與成長” ? It is just my foolish idea, forget it if it doesn’t apply.

At last, it is encouraging to hear from today’s fresh news that there are more survivors discovered after they had been covered up by more than 180 hours ! Sadly, it is sorrowful to hear that proven death toll of the earthquake rockets above 34,000 and there were more than 7,000 follow-through shocks so far. Let’s continue to support the victims spiritually through prayers and financially (but please beware of fraudulent donation requests, as news reported) !

May God bless China and his united countrymen.

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (May 18)

Dear B/S,

Are you in search of a suitable post for serving our Lord and brothers/sisters ? Are you at a crossroads or in a period of stagnation on your spiritual pathway ? Are you always feeling tough with or pressure in fulfilling your serving role wholeheartedly either in church or workplace ? If the answer is unequivocally “yes”, you could have chosen a serving task whose requirements do not match well with your personality traits. In all circumstances, it would be good to know our true self. In light of this, Philippian Fellowship will have a series of two (or possibly three) workshops covering the topic of “自我認識與成長”. In the coming fellowship this Sunday, Jimmy is to kick off the first workshop by leading us to take a psychological test called “Enneagram of Personality” (九形人格). It is a test about character classification, the theory of the personality asserts that one's character is basically divided into nine categories which are inherent from within and will not change. This nine types of personality can be broadly grouped into three energy centers namely (a) Thinking-oriented personality ; (b) Feeling-oriented personality and ; (c) Instinct-oriented personality. Sounds interesting, and Jimmy will have more details on Sunday. Everyone is gifted with some fine attributes from God to serve HIM, this personality test may help you discover those attributes and answer the question - “What type of person am I ?”.

In addition to the above, Angel will share with us her testimony this week as she has just accepted baptism.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

May-18 (This Sunday !)
Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: Stephen

Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

July-6 (Will double check if this starts moving to the 2nd week, i.e. July-13)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Important Notifications

Dear B/S,

I would like to make some important notifications as follows:

(1) We would like to congratulate Angel upon her baptism which will take place this Sunday, the 11th May. Everyone is graciously invited to witness this important event. The baptism will be held at 11:30am (i.e the third Sunday Service session).

(2) In case you don’t have the question sheets for our next BSF class (Daniel Chapter 7) which will be held on June 1, please use the attached electronic copy.

(3) In the 2H this year, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) classes will be moved to the final Sunday for each of the respective months (i.e. the 4th or 5th Sunday depending on number of weeks a month has). To cope with this change, it has been decided that our fellowship gatherings in the 2H08 to be temporary moved to the 2nd Sunday and the final Sunday of relevant months. For those B/S who signed up previously for chairing meetings/sharing hymns, please now take note to shift forward your schedules. In particular, if you were assigned to do it in the 1st week, you are kindly requested to do it in the 2nd week. As usual, I will e-alert you the exact duty schedules in good time.

(4) Yannie and Annie, you two were previously opted to share your testimonies on Aug 17. In consideration of the above-mentioned change, would you be able to do it on Aug 10 ? Does it fit well into your duty rosters ? If not, you can do it on any of the following dates : Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9 or Dec 14. Please advise me your convenient date. Thanks !

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please go to our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com/ )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (May 4)

Dear B/S,

This is a friendly reminder as to our fellowship activity this Sunday (May 4). As you might be well aware of the Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) that normally takes place on the first Sunday of each month, we have now come to our study of Daniel Chapter 6 (the interesting story of Daniel in the lion pit). I am resending the WORD attachment with question sheets to be ready for accidental loss of hard copy. Please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog. As usual, you are reminded to do this “homework” before coming to our BSF workshop for discussion ah…..Welcome all of you, see you all at 來恩樓7樓 (2:15pm this Sunday). Thanks !

Louis, Jimmy informed me that you had been mistakenly told the BSF was yesterday. It should be on 4th May instead. Sorry for the confusion. Please feel free to come if you feel like participating.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

May-18 (three weeks later)
Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications at-a-glance !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (April 20)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship this week (April 20) is the wrap-up session of “Suffering”. Our mentors will lead us a free discussion on this topic and share with us some other relevant Bible verses. After attending the previous two sessions, B/S may have some follow-up questions to ask this week. Besides, we are free to share our feelings and views on this topic.

Moreover, Nelvin is going to share with us his testimony and spiritual growth experience this Sunday. Let’s give him some encouragement !

In addition, we also need to spare some time in the fellowship to pray for the health of Calvin’s mother (she is going to undergo an operation this Friday). Calvin’s mother, Calvin, and Yvonne are very anxious about this. They can’t sleep well. Hence, we need to remember them in our prayers.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Apr-20 (this Sunday)
Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Nicole
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications at-a-glance !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Question Sheets for BSF #6

Dear B/S,

I have sent you an email with an attachment of question sheets for our Bible Study Fellowship #6 (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog) in case you don’t have it. I scanned the 3-pager and made a WORD file. The 6th BSF workshop will be held on 4th May 08 (i.e. the first Sunday of May). Remember to attempt the questions ah…….

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications at-a-glance)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (April 6)

Dear B/S,

The coming fellowship on 6th April is again our day for Bible Study Fellowship ! For the convenience of all, the attached WORD file is the "homework" for the 5th BSF (Daniel : Chapter 5). See you all on 來恩樓7樓 at 2:15pm.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Nicole
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: (Who ?)
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications at-a-glance !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Life Transformation Group Information

Dear Philippians,

Faith without impact in life is meaningless. A fully devoted follower of Christ will purposefully align life with God's design and direction. We are going to form some new small groups which are called "Life Transformation Group" (LTG), the main purposes are that you will get to know 3-4 close friends from fellowship, gain a better understanding of the Bible, and get some help applying what you learn to how you live. We believed that LTG is valuable, let's start your own group from 1st of April.

Here comes the information of LTG, please read. Raymond also left a message for us about this issue, please listen if you didn't attend yesterday fellowship gathering.

The link: http://www.hkphi.org/sharing/LTG.rar

If you have any queries about LTG, don't wait to send me an e-mail with your questions or simply post them on Philippians' blog, our mentors and I will try to help you. You also can find more information form this website:http://www.takethejourney.org/ltg/overview.htm

One more thing, each group please submit the namelist to me before your group start. Hope all we commit to follow Christ on our spiritual journey!


Life Transformation Group (LTG) 生命更新小組

1. 你有否透過言行,作主美好的見證?
2. 你有否參閱不雅物品或有不潔的思想?
3. 在金錢的運用上你是否誠實?有否貪戀他人的財物?
4. 你對身旁的人是否和睦、尊重、體諒及慷慨?
5. 你曾否在人前或背後用言語傷害他人?
6. 有沒有被任何事物或行為操控,不能自拔?
7. 有向什麼人積怨或憤怒嗎?
8. 有暗中想他人受挫,以致自己得益嗎?
9. 完成了約定的讀經計劃嗎?有否聽到神對你說的話?你又怎樣回應?
1. 你有否看到神在你身上的作為?
2. 神如何教導你?
3. 你怎樣回應神給你的指示?
4. 在未來一星期你會與誰分享神的愛?
5. 你需要認罪嗎?




1. 尊重:不論組員背景和條件如何,要放下貧富、學歷、年齡、社會身分等牽絆,要彼此尊重和以平等相待,讓尊重成為小組和團契的文化。當信任和接納建立後,下一步便是要學習坦誠,聖經中「愛心說誠實話」也是這個過程的結果。

2. 守密:嘗試透過呈現自己內心深處去重整自己,不需擔心會被人議論而不願呈現自己。因此組員之間應尊重個人隱私,讓小組成為一個可供暢談的平台。

3. 互愛:要理解組員的立場和感受。人人也會有自己紛亂的生活和所要面對的問題,請體諒各人的限制,多支持而不要求,能盡情分享時便盡情,讓小組成為一個不生麻煩的溫暖時刻。

4. 互助:要學習合作思考,必需能溝通、妥協、以開放的心胸來對話。不批評別人想法的好壞,欲表示自己的意見或經驗時便說自己是怎樣想,不必多建議。每個人的生活是局外人難以想像的,言談內容可就個人意願作適當取捨。

- 注意聚會環境
- 鼓勵平等發言- 對感受作出適當的回應- 對良好的小組行為表示欣賞


參考書籍:Cultivating a Life for God (by Neil Cole)


Review of today's lecture

Dear B/S,

This afternoon, Raymond gave us a lecture on the topic of suffering which is very exciting, but a bit esoteric and we may not fully understand the content. In view of this, Sarah suggested that we study the lecture notes at home (please get the WORD attachment from my email) with reference to the related scriptures. You can raise any issues in our wrap-up workshop of suffering which will be held next month. Alternatively, you can write e-mail to B/S (philippians@hkphi.org) or post your questions onto our Philippian blog (http://hkphi.blogspot.com/) for discussion, our mentors and friends may be able to help with various opinions !

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as "My Favorite Website" (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications at-a-glance !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (March 16)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship this Sunday (March 16) is a follow-up workshop on the topic of suffering. Raymond will lead our discussion from the Bible’s perspective. What does the Bible say about suffering ? Why God allows us to suffer ? What is the practical significance of suffering ? We should be able to find our answers to these questions from the Bible.

We shall also have one testimony sharing this week. I am looking forward to listening to David !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Mar-16 (this coming Sunday)
Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: Nicole & Fowing

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu



Dear B/S, 智敏 has a combined version of Daniel Chapter 5 for us to use. See below and get the attachment file from my email.


----- Original Message -----











願大家珍視這次同工的機會,認真練習並真誠投入敬拜,為神盡力獻上最美好的祭。「我要以詩歌讚美神的名,以感謝稱祂為大!這便叫耶和華喜悅,勝似獻牛,或是有角有啼的公牛。」(詩六十九30-31) 神喜愛我們以尊崇的態度去敬拜祂,祂不會悅納有殘缺的祭性,所以我們要「口唱心和的讚美主」,使在帶領會眾敬拜時得以榮耀祂的聖名。懇請各位在這幾天預備清潔的心,別忘記我們作祭司的身份!


週六 (8/3) 晚上 7:00 教會來恩樓六樓 歡迎練習後共進晚飯
週日 (9/3) 早上 10:00 譚志源伉儷府上 (地址請參閱電郵)





Question Sheets for Bible Study Fellowship #5

Dear B/S,

I have sent you an email with attachment of Question Sheets for our Bible Study Fellowship #5 (please get it from my email if your are browsing our blog). I have scanned the 3-pager into a WORD file. This 5th BSF workshop will be held on 6th April 08 (i.e. the first Sunday of April). Remember to attempt the questions ah…….

(Tip : You are suggested to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛), so this offers you the simplest way to check all our communications whenever you want)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (March 2)

Dear B/S,

Our fellowship activity this Sunday is Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). The Bible scripture we are going to study is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 4. I just want to make sure that everybody has a copy of the Question Sheets on hand, hence I am resending the WORD attachment file as enclosed herewith (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). For the flow of our BSF workshop and grouping arrangement of our discussion groups, please check back my previous email dated 12th February either via your email system or our Philippian blog (http://hkphi.blogspot.com). Yvonne and I will be the group moderators to coordinate our group discussions. Do come with your answers to the questions and a copy of the Bible to the BSF. Those B/S who didn’t join our BSF in our previous semester are definitely encouraged to come. The questions for Chapter 4 are actually not as difficult as what we have seen for the first three Chapters, so do take this small challenge. Come on ! See you all this Sunday at 2:15pm. Venue is ”來恩樓七樓”. Someone will lead a 15-minute worship before group sharing.

We really need to practice hymns for our March 9 Sunday Service Singspiration this Sunday (after our BSF). Please check the email sent out from our Nicole today for the flow of our singspiration. Everyone had better come this Sunday as this will be our ONLY chance to practice.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: (Who ?)
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Helpers needed in Church's Children work

Dear B/S,

The Children's Department of our Church is organising various children's activities in 2008 with an objective of allowing children to understand God's word and follow Jesus. The department now calls for helpers who are moved to participate in, coordinate and lead those children's work (please see the details from the WORD attachment in my email if you are browsing our Philippian blog). If you think you hear the calling and have interest in Children's work, please don't feel doubtful to fill in the attached form and contact relevant persons in charge as shown in the WORD document.

Thanks !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


BSF Questions (Mar 2) + Singspiration (Mar 9) + Spring Festival Gala (Feb 24)

Dear B/S,

I am writing three important reminders : (1) BSF Question Sheets ; (2) Singspiration on 9 March ; (3) Spring Festival Gala (成人部新春團拜暨會員大會) on 24 Feb (this coming Sunday).

1. Please find my enclosed WORD file for the BSF Questions sheets (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). The first BSF will be held on 2 March and we are going to study Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 4. Please remember to do the homework before coming to our BSF discussion groups for answers sharing ah !

2. As to our Sunday Service Singspiration (the third service session) to be held on 9 March, we have to devote the very best of the following four hymns to our Lord. By clicking the following "YouTub" Video-On-Demands, we can familiarize ourselves with these four hymns. I am also attaching a WORD file that contains the lyrics (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). Everyone MUST come to our fellowship on 2 March as this will be our only chance to practice hymns ! Thanks !

a. 容我寧靜 (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=RMDybFFMJxs)
b. 獻給我天上的主 (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=7lqoPAKf_k8)
d. (回應詩) : 我的救贖者活著(國語) (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=trVDOoLL5iA)

3. On this coming Sunday (24 Feb), our special fellowship activity is to join the Spring Festival Gala organised by the Adult Dept of our church (成人部新春團拜暨會員大會) . For details, please check back my previous email dated 13 Feb either via your email system or our Philippian blog.

Event Date: 24 February, Sunday
Time: 1:15pm - 3:15pm
Venue: 來恩樓七樓

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please check our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Spring Festival Gala (February 24)

Dear B/S,

The Adult Department of our church honorably requests our presence at the 2008 Spring Festival Gala (for details, please see Doris's promotional leaflet enclosed herewith) which will be held on Sunday, February 24. As all B/S of Philippian Fellowship are members of the Adult department, thus we are invited to go there for passing a financial budget and some other resolutions. Add to this an occasion for us to become acquainted with other members of the Adult Dept and having a fun get-together at Spring Festival. All B/S of our fellowship will be registered for this party. For the purpose of perfect food arrangements, please inform my wife at doris_k@yahoo.com by this Saturday (i.e. Feb 16) in case you really can’t make it or you are eager to help prepare fine food for this great event. Thanks a lot !

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please check our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Registration of B/S for Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經)

Dear B/S,

The second semester of Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經) will commence on the 2nd of March, Sunday. There are four workshops in total and classes will take place on first Sundays of the four consecutive months starting March, hence those classes will be held on 2-Mar, 6-Apr, 4-May and 1-June respectively. The BSF enables us to continue study of Daniel (但以理書) and Philippian Fellowship would like to incorporate this in our fellowship program in the 1H 2008 and possibly 2H (I were informed by the Education Department of our church that BSF arrangement will likely be extended into 2H of this year).

The flow of a typical BSF workshop is as follows:

1. Optional Lunch (1 hour ; Venue: 來恩樓七樓)
2. Worship (15 minutes ; Venue: Assembly Hall)
3. Group discussion of pre-assigned questions plus answers sharing (45 minutes)
4. Explanations of related Bible scripture by 梁國權先生 (50 minutes)
5. Q&A session (10 minutes)

After the end of each BSF workshop, it would be good to gather again and have some time for our discussion, reporting and prayer so as to make our fellowship complete.

One salient point worth noting is that the BSF offers optional lunches and the required fee is HK$100 for the four lunches. As some B/S may want to join the lunch while some others don’t, thus I decided not to register lunch for B/S. If any particular B/S wants to participate in the four lunches, please tell me individually on or before this Saturday and I will register for you. I have to submit our BSF registration by this Sunday.

Our fellowship is divided into two groups, grouping arrangement is as follows :

Group A
Antony, Calvin, David, Carmen, Yannie, Ivy, Nicole, Stephen, Angel, Winnie, Iris, Nelvin

Group B
Ryan, Yvonne, Fowing, Billy, Annie, Stephanie, Alan, Elaine, Doris, Rebecca, Carol

Jimmy, Raymond, Sarah

For consultative purpose, does anyone want to be a moderator to coordinate our BSF group discussion ?

I wish that we go deeper in the Lord’s truth together !

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? If yes, please check our Philippian blog =>

In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (February 17)

Dear B/S,

Hi ! Antony Chiu would like to wish you a happy, harmonious and successful year of the Rat !

Our coming fellowship this Sunday (Feb 17) comprises three parts : (1) Initial exploration of “Suffering” (苦難) ; (2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth and ; (3) Hymns practice.

(1) Initial exploration of "Suffering"
Jimmy will kick off the first of a series of three workshops on the topic of Suffering with a heart-stirring movie called "用腳飛翔的女孩", by a true reflection of the plight. Does a suffering life necessarily mean hardship ? What is happiness ? It was a struggle miracle and Jimmy has the following movie synopsis :

"《用腳飛翔的女孩》,蓮娜 瑪莉亞,1968 年出生於瑞典,3 歲開始學游泳,4 歲開始拿針刺繡,5 歲時完成了第一幅十字繡作品,並開始學裁縫,中學時縫製了第一件洋裝。15 歲進入瑞典游泳國家代表隊,18 遂參加世界冠軍盃比賽,打破世界紀錄,並且以蝶式勇奪多面金牌。19 歲拿到汽車駕照,音樂更是她的最愛。進入大學專攻音樂後,成為全球知名演唱家,榮獲瑞典皇后個別接見。知道蓮娜的多才多藝之後,你是否能夠想像蓮娜生出來就沒有雙臂,左腿只有右腿的一半長?"

(2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth
Stephen got excited about Nicole's sharing last week, so let him do it this time !

(3) No matter how tight our activity schedule is, it looks we have to spare some time to start practice our Sunday Service Singspiration which will be held on the 9th March.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :
Feb -17
Sharing: Stephen
Chairperson: Ryan
To Share Hymns: Doris
Pianist: Yvonne
Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)
Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)
(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)
In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Park Island (珀麗灣) Trip on 年初四

Dear B/S,
We are to visit the new places of Annie and Stephanie in Park Island (珀麗灣) on the 10th February, Sunday (年初四).

Where is Park Island ? Answer: Park Island is actually the modified name of Ma Wan (馬灣), an island located between Lantau Island and Tsing Yi.
What are we going to do in this smoke-free city ? Answer: Show Flat visits, Bowling, Badminton, Tennis, Golf, SPA treatments, Snooker facilities are available at the clubhouse (for details of other facilities, please take a look at this website => (http://www.parkisland.com.hk/)

What is the arrangement of dinner ? Answer: BBQ at lakeside !! How to get there ? Let’s meet at the entrance of our church after Sunday service (the 3rd session), then we shall have something quick for lunch in a restaurant nears our church. After lunch, we will ferry to Park Island from Central Pier No.2 (opposite to IFC One). High-speed double-decked jetfoil departs every 30 minutes and it takes us roughly half an hour to get there.
Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Feb 3)

Dear B/S,

The coming fellowship on the 3rd February will also be a testimony sharing workshop. Two of our good sisters, namely Stephanie and Nicole, are going to share with us. They should have passed through a lot on their unique spiritual roads and their sharing could inspire us.

Two days ago, Elaine reminded us of our annual dinner. Yes ! Philippian Fellowship would like to cordially invite you to participate in the following lunar year-end dinner. Details are as follows:

Date : 3rd February, Sunday
Venue : 金滬庭京川滬菜館 (西環皇后大道西455至485號龍暉花園)
Time : Immediately after our fellowship

It has been a year since we last went to 金滬庭 and this restaurant is always preferred for its food quality ! This lunar year-end dinner with all Philippians serves the purpose of happy gathering and having yummy Beijing-Sichuan-Shanghai cuisine in a private room before collecting/distributing red pockets in the new Year of Rat ! We shall have a wonderful time to “chik-chat” with each other on whatever topics we like. Additionally, our mentors and the committee are more than happy to take this opportunity to receive, in a casual manner, your expectations as well as recommendations with regard to our fellowship from any single brother/sister.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Feb -03
Sharing: Stephanie & Nicole
Chairperson : Doris
To Share Hymns: Carmen
Pianist: Stephen

Feb -17
Sharing: Stephen
Chairperson: Ryan
To Share Hymns: Doris
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Updated version of 2008 Fellowship Activities & Duties List

Dear B/S,

I have sent out an email with the 2008 program list for our fellowship with all the vacancies of "chairperson" and "hymns sharing" filled. You may want to check it for your diary marking. I would like to say thank you to everybody for your services in our fellowship. As to the detailed fellowship activities for the second quarter and beyond, the fellowship committee is still formulating some ideas into action. In due course we will "advertise" the details of those arrangement.

Finally, I wish everyone a happy week. Let's try to make it a productive one !!

Warmest personal regards,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (Jan 20)

Dear B/S,

Many of us (including myself) show no self-confidence in sharing hymns, maybe, this is the reason that deters us from participating hymns sharing in an enthusiastic manner in our fellowship. In light of this, on this Sunday, Jimmy and Sarah are going to give us a training session that specifically focuses on learning how to share hymns. What attitude should we adopt towards hymns sharing ? What should we pay attention to when sharing hymns ? What are the techniques that help us to be more confident ? How to get brothers/sisters more involved in the hymns which you share ? What should we say/not say when we are sharing hymns ? Perhaps, we can get some clues after attending this training class.

In addition to the above-mentioned training session, it is Calvin’s turn to share his testimony and path of spiritual growth this Sunday. Let’s give some encouragements to him !

Then, we need to practise singing hymn for Annie's wedding at the end of our fellowship (if Assembly Hall is available after lunch, we will practise at the beginning of our fellowship). As this will be our last chance to rehearse seriously, so please remember to come to our fellowship this Sunday.

Brothers/Sisters to serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Date Sharing Chairperson To Share Hymns Pianist
Jan-20 Calvin Nicole Antony Nicole
Feb-03 Stephanie, Nicole Doris Carmen (Anyone ?)
Feb-17 (Anyone ?) Ryan Doris (Anyone ?)

(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog =>http://hkphi.blogspot.com)
In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Photos of Tunisia and Dubai

Finally available and kicking out well! Have a look...



2008 Fellowship Activities Schedule

Dear all,

The committee has designed a tentative fellowship activities schedule for 2008. Please check you email for the EXCEL file. You can check the upcoming activities (which are subject to change WITH prior notice) and devotion schedule of hymns sharing/chairpersons within it. Many thanks to Elaine for updating this !

(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blogà http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
