
Fellowship this Sunday (March 16)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship this Sunday (March 16) is a follow-up workshop on the topic of suffering. Raymond will lead our discussion from the Bible’s perspective. What does the Bible say about suffering ? Why God allows us to suffer ? What is the practical significance of suffering ? We should be able to find our answers to these questions from the Bible.

We shall also have one testimony sharing this week. I am looking forward to listening to David !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Mar-16 (this coming Sunday)
Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: Nicole & Fowing

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: It would be good to bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com as “My Favorite Website” (我的最愛) now. Hence, from now on it takes only two clicks to read all our communications !)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
