
Fellowship this Sunday (Jan 20)

Dear B/S,

Many of us (including myself) show no self-confidence in sharing hymns, maybe, this is the reason that deters us from participating hymns sharing in an enthusiastic manner in our fellowship. In light of this, on this Sunday, Jimmy and Sarah are going to give us a training session that specifically focuses on learning how to share hymns. What attitude should we adopt towards hymns sharing ? What should we pay attention to when sharing hymns ? What are the techniques that help us to be more confident ? How to get brothers/sisters more involved in the hymns which you share ? What should we say/not say when we are sharing hymns ? Perhaps, we can get some clues after attending this training class.

In addition to the above-mentioned training session, it is Calvin’s turn to share his testimony and path of spiritual growth this Sunday. Let’s give some encouragements to him !

Then, we need to practise singing hymn for Annie's wedding at the end of our fellowship (if Assembly Hall is available after lunch, we will practise at the beginning of our fellowship). As this will be our last chance to rehearse seriously, so please remember to come to our fellowship this Sunday.

Brothers/Sisters to serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Date Sharing Chairperson To Share Hymns Pianist
Jan-20 Calvin Nicole Antony Nicole
Feb-03 Stephanie, Nicole Doris Carmen (Anyone ?)
Feb-17 (Anyone ?) Ryan Doris (Anyone ?)

(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog =>http://hkphi.blogspot.com)
In Christ,
Antony Chiu
