
Fellowship this Sunday (March 2)

Dear B/S,

Our fellowship activity this Sunday is Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). The Bible scripture we are going to study is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 4. I just want to make sure that everybody has a copy of the Question Sheets on hand, hence I am resending the WORD attachment file as enclosed herewith (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). For the flow of our BSF workshop and grouping arrangement of our discussion groups, please check back my previous email dated 12th February either via your email system or our Philippian blog (http://hkphi.blogspot.com). Yvonne and I will be the group moderators to coordinate our group discussions. Do come with your answers to the questions and a copy of the Bible to the BSF. Those B/S who didn’t join our BSF in our previous semester are definitely encouraged to come. The questions for Chapter 4 are actually not as difficult as what we have seen for the first three Chapters, so do take this small challenge. Come on ! See you all this Sunday at 2:15pm. Venue is ”來恩樓七樓”. Someone will lead a 15-minute worship before group sharing.

We really need to practice hymns for our March 9 Sunday Service Singspiration this Sunday (after our BSF). Please check the email sent out from our Nicole today for the flow of our singspiration. Everyone had better come this Sunday as this will be our ONLY chance to practice.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: (Who ?)
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
