
Fellowship this Sunday (February 17)

Dear B/S,

Hi ! Antony Chiu would like to wish you a happy, harmonious and successful year of the Rat !

Our coming fellowship this Sunday (Feb 17) comprises three parts : (1) Initial exploration of “Suffering” (苦難) ; (2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth and ; (3) Hymns practice.

(1) Initial exploration of "Suffering"
Jimmy will kick off the first of a series of three workshops on the topic of Suffering with a heart-stirring movie called "用腳飛翔的女孩", by a true reflection of the plight. Does a suffering life necessarily mean hardship ? What is happiness ? It was a struggle miracle and Jimmy has the following movie synopsis :

"《用腳飛翔的女孩》,蓮娜 瑪莉亞,1968 年出生於瑞典,3 歲開始學游泳,4 歲開始拿針刺繡,5 歲時完成了第一幅十字繡作品,並開始學裁縫,中學時縫製了第一件洋裝。15 歲進入瑞典游泳國家代表隊,18 遂參加世界冠軍盃比賽,打破世界紀錄,並且以蝶式勇奪多面金牌。19 歲拿到汽車駕照,音樂更是她的最愛。進入大學專攻音樂後,成為全球知名演唱家,榮獲瑞典皇后個別接見。知道蓮娜的多才多藝之後,你是否能夠想像蓮娜生出來就沒有雙臂,左腿只有右腿的一半長?"

(2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth
Stephen got excited about Nicole's sharing last week, so let him do it this time !

(3) No matter how tight our activity schedule is, it looks we have to spare some time to start practice our Sunday Service Singspiration which will be held on the 9th March.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :
Feb -17
Sharing: Stephen
Chairperson: Ryan
To Share Hymns: Doris
Pianist: Yvonne
Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)
Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)
(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)
In Christ,
Antony Chiu
