
Fellowship this Sunday (Aug 24)

Dear B/S,

Fellowship activity this Sunday is Bible Study Fellowship. For its details and the necessary question sheets, please check my yesterday's email.

Let me take this convenience to refresh your memory of B/S' services to upcoming fellowships, on the basis of my record, as follows :

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Chairperson: Yvonne
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson: David
To Share Hymns: David
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing: Annie
Chairperson: Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Billy
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
