
Fellowship this Sunday (Nov 30)

Dear B/S,

(1) Fellowship this Sunday (Nov 30) is Bible Study Fellowship and chapters to cover are Daniel Ch.10-12. No homework required but please read those chapters before joining the class. One hour instruction by teacher Mr. Leung will be followed by half-hour group discussion and Q&A session.

(2) Please remember to return me your completed application form for 2009 Bible Study Fellowship this Sunday (last day of application). If you don't have the hard-copy, please use the attached application form. We are going to study Exodus (出埃及記) next year.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships:

Chairperson: Winnie
To Share Hymns: Rebecca
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog -
http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
