
Fellowship this Sunday (July 27)

Dear B/S,

Raymond Tam, our mentor and a seasoned government official who is assuming the responsibilities of the Deputy Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs of the HKSAR, is glad to find time to come to our fellowship and give us a speech this Sunday. The main thing that the talk will be concerned with is the relationship between Christianity and Politics, supplemented by some elements of social responsibility as one is connected with another.

Raymond is prepared to set out some guiding principles followed by a Q&A session. Does Christianity contain a political dimension ? Are there any political currents in either Old Testament or New Testament writing ? With extensive experience in the government sector, has Raymond ever found anything difficult or even impossible to make political decision that might conflict with his religion ? Whenever there is such a conflict, how does he get his job done while not compromise his religion ? As a current policy setter who had been with the Home Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR, what are Mr. Tam’s latest thoughts of addressing current social responsibility issues like income/wealth inequality in both HK and our Chinese hinterland, deterioration of our environment and protecting the interests of racial minorities ? How does a general Christian like you and I participate in righteousness of the human society, and social responsibility in particular ?

God is LOVE; HE cares the whole world and human being. Hence, Christians cannot afford not to care social and political topics ‘oh’….. Don’t miss this golden chance of hearing Raymond’s speech, I am sure we can learn hugely from him !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

July-27 (This Sunday !)
Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

Testimony Sharing : Yannie
Chairperson : Doris
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Yvonne
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu
