
Fellowship this Sunday (March 2)

Dear B/S,

Our fellowship activity this Sunday is Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). The Bible scripture we are going to study is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 4. I just want to make sure that everybody has a copy of the Question Sheets on hand, hence I am resending the WORD attachment file as enclosed herewith (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). For the flow of our BSF workshop and grouping arrangement of our discussion groups, please check back my previous email dated 12th February either via your email system or our Philippian blog (http://hkphi.blogspot.com). Yvonne and I will be the group moderators to coordinate our group discussions. Do come with your answers to the questions and a copy of the Bible to the BSF. Those B/S who didn’t join our BSF in our previous semester are definitely encouraged to come. The questions for Chapter 4 are actually not as difficult as what we have seen for the first three Chapters, so do take this small challenge. Come on ! See you all this Sunday at 2:15pm. Venue is ”來恩樓七樓”. Someone will lead a 15-minute worship before group sharing.

We really need to practice hymns for our March 9 Sunday Service Singspiration this Sunday (after our BSF). Please check the email sent out from our Nicole today for the flow of our singspiration. Everyone had better come this Sunday as this will be our ONLY chance to practice.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)

Sharing: (Who ?)
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Helpers needed in Church's Children work

Dear B/S,

The Children's Department of our Church is organising various children's activities in 2008 with an objective of allowing children to understand God's word and follow Jesus. The department now calls for helpers who are moved to participate in, coordinate and lead those children's work (please see the details from the WORD attachment in my email if you are browsing our Philippian blog). If you think you hear the calling and have interest in Children's work, please don't feel doubtful to fill in the attached form and contact relevant persons in charge as shown in the WORD document.

Thanks !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


BSF Questions (Mar 2) + Singspiration (Mar 9) + Spring Festival Gala (Feb 24)

Dear B/S,

I am writing three important reminders : (1) BSF Question Sheets ; (2) Singspiration on 9 March ; (3) Spring Festival Gala (成人部新春團拜暨會員大會) on 24 Feb (this coming Sunday).

1. Please find my enclosed WORD file for the BSF Questions sheets (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). The first BSF will be held on 2 March and we are going to study Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 4. Please remember to do the homework before coming to our BSF discussion groups for answers sharing ah !

2. As to our Sunday Service Singspiration (the third service session) to be held on 9 March, we have to devote the very best of the following four hymns to our Lord. By clicking the following "YouTub" Video-On-Demands, we can familiarize ourselves with these four hymns. I am also attaching a WORD file that contains the lyrics (please get it from my email if you are browsing our blog). Everyone MUST come to our fellowship on 2 March as this will be our only chance to practice hymns ! Thanks !

a. 容我寧靜 (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=RMDybFFMJxs)
b. 獻給我天上的主 (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=7lqoPAKf_k8)
d. (回應詩) : 我的救贖者活著(國語) (http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=trVDOoLL5iA)

3. On this coming Sunday (24 Feb), our special fellowship activity is to join the Spring Festival Gala organised by the Adult Dept of our church (成人部新春團拜暨會員大會) . For details, please check back my previous email dated 13 Feb either via your email system or our Philippian blog.

Event Date: 24 February, Sunday
Time: 1:15pm - 3:15pm
Venue: 來恩樓七樓

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please check our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Spring Festival Gala (February 24)

Dear B/S,

The Adult Department of our church honorably requests our presence at the 2008 Spring Festival Gala (for details, please see Doris's promotional leaflet enclosed herewith) which will be held on Sunday, February 24. As all B/S of Philippian Fellowship are members of the Adult department, thus we are invited to go there for passing a financial budget and some other resolutions. Add to this an occasion for us to become acquainted with other members of the Adult Dept and having a fun get-together at Spring Festival. All B/S of our fellowship will be registered for this party. For the purpose of perfect food arrangements, please inform my wife at doris_k@yahoo.com by this Saturday (i.e. Feb 16) in case you really can’t make it or you are eager to help prepare fine food for this great event. Thanks a lot !

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? Please check our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com/)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Registration of B/S for Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經)

Dear B/S,

The second semester of Bible Study Fellowship (生命查經) will commence on the 2nd of March, Sunday. There are four workshops in total and classes will take place on first Sundays of the four consecutive months starting March, hence those classes will be held on 2-Mar, 6-Apr, 4-May and 1-June respectively. The BSF enables us to continue study of Daniel (但以理書) and Philippian Fellowship would like to incorporate this in our fellowship program in the 1H 2008 and possibly 2H (I were informed by the Education Department of our church that BSF arrangement will likely be extended into 2H of this year).

The flow of a typical BSF workshop is as follows:

1. Optional Lunch (1 hour ; Venue: 來恩樓七樓)
2. Worship (15 minutes ; Venue: Assembly Hall)
3. Group discussion of pre-assigned questions plus answers sharing (45 minutes)
4. Explanations of related Bible scripture by 梁國權先生 (50 minutes)
5. Q&A session (10 minutes)

After the end of each BSF workshop, it would be good to gather again and have some time for our discussion, reporting and prayer so as to make our fellowship complete.

One salient point worth noting is that the BSF offers optional lunches and the required fee is HK$100 for the four lunches. As some B/S may want to join the lunch while some others don’t, thus I decided not to register lunch for B/S. If any particular B/S wants to participate in the four lunches, please tell me individually on or before this Saturday and I will register for you. I have to submit our BSF registration by this Sunday.

Our fellowship is divided into two groups, grouping arrangement is as follows :

Group A
Antony, Calvin, David, Carmen, Yannie, Ivy, Nicole, Stephen, Angel, Winnie, Iris, Nelvin

Group B
Ryan, Yvonne, Fowing, Billy, Annie, Stephanie, Alan, Elaine, Doris, Rebecca, Carol

Jimmy, Raymond, Sarah

For consultative purpose, does anyone want to be a moderator to coordinate our BSF group discussion ?

I wish that we go deeper in the Lord’s truth together !

(Note : You might have missed any of our previous communications ? If yes, please check our Philippian blog =>

In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (February 17)

Dear B/S,

Hi ! Antony Chiu would like to wish you a happy, harmonious and successful year of the Rat !

Our coming fellowship this Sunday (Feb 17) comprises three parts : (1) Initial exploration of “Suffering” (苦難) ; (2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth and ; (3) Hymns practice.

(1) Initial exploration of "Suffering"
Jimmy will kick off the first of a series of three workshops on the topic of Suffering with a heart-stirring movie called "用腳飛翔的女孩", by a true reflection of the plight. Does a suffering life necessarily mean hardship ? What is happiness ? It was a struggle miracle and Jimmy has the following movie synopsis :

"《用腳飛翔的女孩》,蓮娜 瑪莉亞,1968 年出生於瑞典,3 歲開始學游泳,4 歲開始拿針刺繡,5 歲時完成了第一幅十字繡作品,並開始學裁縫,中學時縫製了第一件洋裝。15 歲進入瑞典游泳國家代表隊,18 遂參加世界冠軍盃比賽,打破世界紀錄,並且以蝶式勇奪多面金牌。19 歲拿到汽車駕照,音樂更是她的最愛。進入大學專攻音樂後,成為全球知名演唱家,榮獲瑞典皇后個別接見。知道蓮娜的多才多藝之後,你是否能夠想像蓮娜生出來就沒有雙臂,左腿只有右腿的一半長?"

(2) Sharing of testimony and spiritual growth
Stephen got excited about Nicole's sharing last week, so let him do it this time !

(3) No matter how tight our activity schedule is, it looks we have to spare some time to start practice our Sunday Service Singspiration which will be held on the 9th March.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :
Feb -17
Sharing: Stephen
Chairperson: Ryan
To Share Hymns: Doris
Pianist: Yvonne
Sharing: David
Chairperson: Fowing
To Share Hymns: Ivy & Fowing
Pianist: (Who ?)
Sharing: Nelvin
Chairperson : Calvin
To Share Hymns: Yvonne
Pianist: (Who ?)
(Note : If you want to check any of our previous communications, please go to our Philippian blog => http://hkphi.blogspot.com)
In Christ,
Antony Chiu


Park Island (珀麗灣) Trip on 年初四

Dear B/S,
We are to visit the new places of Annie and Stephanie in Park Island (珀麗灣) on the 10th February, Sunday (年初四).

Where is Park Island ? Answer: Park Island is actually the modified name of Ma Wan (馬灣), an island located between Lantau Island and Tsing Yi.
What are we going to do in this smoke-free city ? Answer: Show Flat visits, Bowling, Badminton, Tennis, Golf, SPA treatments, Snooker facilities are available at the clubhouse (for details of other facilities, please take a look at this website => (http://www.parkisland.com.hk/)

What is the arrangement of dinner ? Answer: BBQ at lakeside !! How to get there ? Let’s meet at the entrance of our church after Sunday service (the 3rd session), then we shall have something quick for lunch in a restaurant nears our church. After lunch, we will ferry to Park Island from Central Pier No.2 (opposite to IFC One). High-speed double-decked jetfoil departs every 30 minutes and it takes us roughly half an hour to get there.
Antony Chiu