
Our coming fellowship this Sunday (16 Dec)

Dear brothers/sisters,

The coming fellowship is again the time for testimony and spiritual growth sharing, we have invited Alan and Doris to come to share. After listening to their stories, we can respond to their sharings, pray for their spiritual growth and remind them of anything they are missing spiritually.

Then, we shall have a preview session in respect of our fellowship activities in the first half of next year.
Afterwards, we move on to the second part of our fellowship, that is our Christmas Party time. Raymond and Sarah, our new mentors in 2008, are very kind to invite us to come round their house (which is just next to our church) to celebrate. We should have something to eat for our afternoon tea, wonderful time for casual chat and some games to play ? This should be a great occasion for brothers/sisters to know more about our two new mentors (oh, it should be three including Jimmy Lee).
Really hope all of us can come back to this year-end fellowship la, don't waste Nicole's efforts of arranging fabulous foods for us !
In Christ,
Antony Chiu

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