
早上又大聲唱歌。其實從ICU內已經是這樣。可能想保持心肺功能(就算插住胃管都唱得很大聲)。哈!唱的品種很多;最近好喜歡唱一個我中四中五年代的歌劇。歌劇名叫Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat。那時我不知道是聖經故事,但愛它裡頭的兩首插曲,到現在仍可一字不漏地唱誦出來。當然很少機會唱給人聽啦。現在想同大家分享這兩首歌的歌詞。

Any Dream Will Do

Artist: Joseph & Children Lyrics
Song: Any Dream Will Do Lyrics

I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
To see for certain what I thought I knew
Far far away, someone was weeping
But the world was sleeping
Any dream will do

Joseph & Children

I wore my coat, with golden lining
Bright colours shining, wonderful and new
And in the east, the dawn was breaking
And the world was waking
Any dream will do


A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children

May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

A crash of drums, a flash of light
My golden coat flew out of sight
The colours faded into darkness
I was left alone

Joseph & Children

May I return to the beginning
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
The world and I, we are still waiting
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

Close Every Door
Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light
Do what you want with me,
Hate me and laugh at me
Darken my daytime
And toture my night
If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world
Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Israel
Are never alone
For I know I shall find
My own peace of mind
For I have been promised
A land of my own


Close every door to me,
Hide all the world from me
Bar all the windows
And shut out the light

Just give me a number
Instead of my name
Forget all about me
And let me decay
I do not matter,
I'm only one person
Destroy me completely
Then throw me away
If my life were important I
Would ask will I live or die
But I know the answers lie
Far from this world

Joseph, Ensemble & Children

Close every door to me,
Keep those I love from me
Children of Israel
Are never alone
For we know we shall find
Our own peace of mind
For we have been promised
A land of our own


好想再欣賞這歌劇,相信感覺會不同。我知道近年有返做,但男主角已換掉。懷念Jason Donovan那一齣。



各位親愛的團友 :


Cindy : 看看你在那天能否返來啦!

Fowing : 或者那天你可以現身分享了。


Yvonne (Calvin 代行)









Ivy 和我在過去一年很多個晚上讀詩篇,其中有一篇,不必多講,一定是我們的支持,常常背誦,互相勉勵。就我個人現在的領受,想同大家分享一段寶貴的生/心路歷程。













其實我很清楚,應該比任何人清楚。( 生命不單是屬於我的了,金錢也不屬於我的了。非常輕散…我要愛惜自己的生命和健康;要愛靈魂的生命;要更愛主你!)



Fowing in GuangZhou

今天,扶風一家、Yvonne和我到廣州探望科榮。科榮已由ICU轉入普通隔離病房已數天,他身體康復情況理想,精神狀態不俗,與我們交談良久,但科榮講話比我們多,他說了很多神的同在、弟兄姊妹的禱告、支持,特別關心伯母及IVY的身體狀況。現在,科榮仍會留在廣州接受觀察,幸好科榮姐姐會留在廣州到27日,她和伯母可以一起照料科榮。現附科榮相片兩張 http://calcal.smugmug.com/gallery/3027460

Bible Study Fellowships (生命查經)

Dear brothers/sisters,

With an aim of fostering brothers/sisters' sustained habits of serious Bible study and personal relationship with God, our church is organising "Bible Study Fellowships" (生命查經) for us on the following four set dates : (1) 2nd Sept ; (2) 7th October ; (3) 4th November ; (4) 2nd December. As these four dates are the first Sundays of those respective months, Philippian Fellowship doesn't want to miss these four learning chances by incorporating these as part of our fellowship programme in the second half of this year.

Bible Study Fellowship is an international system (there are many classes following this system all over the world) of structured Bible study. The Bible Study System is highly organised and disciplined and it involves four elements :

(1) notes with questions given beforehand to encourage personal Bible study and participants are required to do homework;
(2) discussion groups (of up to 10 people) for sharing of personal answers to questions and communicating truth. For those who haven't done the homework (not encouraged to do so), they are not allowed to share answers but they can still participate. To encourage attendance, those who are absent for more than twice will be disqualified ;
(3) a lecture by our good class teacher (梁國權先生) covering the scripture with explanations of backgrounds/context being studied and applications for daily living plus responses to questions that may arise; and
(4) finally a set of reference materials reinforcing lesson from the class (plus a new set of notes with questions for the forthcoming class).

I am going to register for the following Philippian individuals (you are welcomed to tell me if you are not on this list but you are eager to participate) :


Kam Wah
Sue Keung

Should anyone listed here anticipate unavailability of participation, please don't hesitate to inform me. Besides, Ryan and I are temporarily confirmed as team leaders of the two groups for the purpose of coordinating discussion. If anyone wants to be the team leader, please tell me and I will be more than happy to arrange it. Furthermore, the worship immediately before the four classes call for brother/sisters to do hymns sharing. As such, please tell me if you are moved to share hymns and indicate which session you would like to do so. Thanks a lot !

May we gain more and grow together spiritually !
Bible Study Fellowship message (生命查經) on our Philippian blog : http://hkphi.blogspot.com/

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Ivy will be transferred to another ward within Caritas Medical Centre

Dear all,

Alan has just told me that it had been confirmed to transfer Ivy to gynecology within Caritas Medical Centre at "懷信樓 10樓 A座" later today pending for some other specialised examinations. No need to transfer her to another hospital. Dunno the bed no. and Alan says it is OK to ask nurse there for the bed no. by giving the full name of Ivy (張慧卿). We can visit her during 5-8pm.

Address of Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院) is ”九龍深水埗永康街111號 “. Hospital Tel : 3408 7911

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Ivy is in Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院)

Dear all,

Alan says it has not been confirmed that Ivy contracts the illness of 盲腸炎 and doctors are still investigating the cause. Despite this, all the relevant check and scans have been booked at the earliest possible time. We can visit her during 5-8pm.

She is staying at "懷信樓2樓 B座 210號床".

Address of Caritas Medical Centre (明愛醫院) is ”九龍深水埗永康街111號 “. Hospital Tel : 3408 7911

In Christ,

Antony Chiu




Possible Liver Transplant Tonight

Dear B/S,

Ivy just called me saying Fowing's mother had just been called to go to the hospital which Fowing is staying immediately. It seems that there is a suitable liver for Fowing (but still not very sure if that is really for Fowing). Ivy is going to Guangzhou immediately in preparation for such possible transplant operation which may be carried out tonight or tomorrow.

Please pray for the safety of Ivy, relevant preparations and the possible operation. May our Lord give peace to Fowing, Fowing's mother and Ivy. Thanks.

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


An afterthought from movie --- 舉自塵土 (Raised from Dust)

On June 3rd I went to see this movie with a few friends from church. The story from this movie, despite being very simple without many up and downs like many of the ones that came out from hollywood, is one of the most thought provoking movie I have ever watched. To be honest, I can't stop thinking about this movie the whole day.

This movie took place in the rural area of Henan province in China and narrates about the life of a Christian woman, Xiaoli and her relationship with her rural church. Despite living in poverty, she still participates in the marching band of her church, has to look after her husband who suffered from a serious lung disease plus her daughter who has to go to school. However, living in extreme poverty prove to be difficult as she can hardly finance both her husband's treatment as well as to pay for her daughter's tuition fee in school. The movie shows her tremendous faith in God during all these difficult life trials, even though at the end of the story, the situation remains helpless. Due to insufficient finance to meet her needs, she ended up giving up her husband's treatment and her husband died on her way back home from the hospital, and her daughter has to quit school due to the inability to pay her tuition fees. At the very end, it shows much sarcarsm as it portraits Xiaoli and her daughter siting at their dining table (as plotted many times throughout the movie), and singing the famous prayer of thanksgiving...

"Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, for the food, for the food... thank you for the blessing, thank you for the blessing, A-men, A-men."

(The music goes like this, 1 2 3 1 / 1 2 3 1 / 3 4 5 - / 3 4 5 - / 5654 3 1 / 5654 3 1 / 1 5 1 - / 1 5 1 - // )

This movie indeed portrait many of the life difficulties in rural China. The comparison of Xiaoli's life difficulties through financing the expense of both her husband's treatment as well as her daughter's tuition fee with that of the thanksgiving prayer song (in English!!!) is thought provoking. The movie director (Gan Xiao-er) could have round the ending up with a happy ending (for example, with God answering all their prayer and Xiaoli's husband recovered from her illness and someone sponsored Xiaoli's daughter's tuition fees, all because of the grace of God...), but instead he did not. The ending was just as helpless as the beginning...

One of the many "provoking thoughts" that this movie shows is how we view God's grace and God's leaderships towards our lives. Is God's grace always about giving us a happy ending? What is our faith in God bases upon? Is it only bases upon the fact that God will always give us a happy ending and meeting our end needs? This movie in fact, shows that it is not. In God's perspective, everything is being "raised from dust." It is only upon God's grace that we got to live our daily lives. As a result, every day we live is a grace from God.

Being able to live in Hong Kong, we really should be thanksful to God where despite how poor we can be, we can always meet our end needs. Comparing to facing extreme difficulties to meeting with end needs in rural China, the many problems in Hong Kong just didn't stand in comparison. It is sad to see how many of us from Hong Kong frequently complains about the lack of quality in life, standing too much during church service, food being too cold, too tiring to get up, classes being too boring, piano tutorial being too difficult to learn...

There are many things that we can learn from Xiaoli in this movie. To be honest, how is our faith towards God? Can our faith be like Xiaoli, whom despite facing extreme toughless in life, shows no words of complains, but only her pure trust that God will lead her life through? If someone from rural China can? Why can't we? (We should also add a heart of thanksgiving!)






My New Travel Blog

Dear friends,

I would like to invite you to view my new blog:


This blog will solely consist of my travelogues, and all my other writings will be back in my xanga page:


My intention of separating my travelogues from my xanga page is to create my own travel blog, and hopefully travel enthusiasts will find it a pleasure to read. Currently I am writing my travelogues of my Baltic trip back in July 2006.

Please feel free to have a read as I will update this blog periodically and as much as possible.

Also, I have a new email address: lonelytraveller01@gmail.com




Click to enlarge. Please help to fill in the blanks, especially pianist. (email me at calvincwc@gmail.com. URGENT!)














Suddenly I want to get some 詩歌 play in my second home (I mean my Stream). I found out this website: http://www.cmidi.net/frontpage.html , you can listen to most of songs there. I think Stephen can play most of the songs. Take a look there!

My colleague got a new baby boy

As I mentioned in previous blog, my colleague is taking 3week leave for his new baby. Today, he got a new baby boy, 6.5lbs. Congras! My worklord seems ok these two days. But, the climate makes me sick. Even I turn the air-con to the highest power at home, I am still sweating. Poor me!


各位親愛的弟兄姊妹 :

