


本主日之週會為禱告課程第三講,第一部分為各團友對祈禱之分享,分享內容包括個人祈禱模式 / 信仰經驗、祈禱中的掙扎 / 情意結,請大家準備。第二部分為Q & A時間,大家可先思考對禱告的疑問,Susanne建議我們最多作出兩項提問。其後有生日會,5-7月的生日之星有Denise, Benny, Elaine, Winnie, Rebecca, Billy, Cindy還有阿富(Joseph),有誰願意為生日會預備美食呢?有興趣請與我聯絡。



連小弟也要學習blog這東西, 就証明潮流是不可逆轉的 .....

恭喜腓立比團也有自己的blog! 攪手是否期望這個blog可以鼓勵團友有新的溝通模式呢?

雖然有些尷尬, 也多謝有心人將小弟的"單位"放上結連 .....

順便一提 : 小弟這個星期日要到禮賢會中心堂講道, 請在禱告中記念, 因近日狀態不佳, 有些微老人痴呆症狀, 怕到時亂講錯野就唔係太好勒....



Back to Normal from tomorrow

After 5 days holidays (from 24/5 to 28/5), my life will be back to normal. I will go to work again tomorrow. My team-mate will take 3-week holiday for his coming baby. I cannot imagine the workload then, but I hope my boss can land someone to help (actually, short-handed at this moment already). From the latest email from Ivy, please keep praying for Fowing. Yvonne and I missed to visit Fowing last weekend (as yvonne's father is still staying in Tuen Mun Hospital, he turns a bit better, but gets fever during night time), but Ivy, Elaine, David and Ryan visited Fowing even in extermely hot climate. Thanks! Meanwhile, please pray for our mentor Fu Fung, Denise and family. I met you two in church on Sunday, but did not have a long talk. Anyway, 求神加力與扶風一家!


Congrats on the new blog

That's great... we finally have our blog, may God bless each one of you and may this blog be a witness to what God has done in our lives.


hello! 歡迎來到腓立比團的網誌...


Welcome to our fellowship Blog. Let's post something on this blog and see how this trial goes.