
Photos of Iceland

My photos of Iceland:


One of the most beautiful countries I have been...







Fellowship this Sunday (June 15)

Dear B/S,

Hi ! I hope you had an enjoyable Dragon Boat Festival ! Did you participate in any dragon boat races ? Or you ate a lot of steamed glutinous rice dumplings ? I like the salty one with meat wrapped inside, yummy ! Hope nobody ate uninhibitedly too much or ate/drank oneself sick ! Haha.....

Back in our fellowship this Sunday, we will have both Rebecca's testimony sharing and further exploration of the topic of “自我認識與成長”. I remember that Philippians were excited about the test results they obtained from the “Enneagram of Personality”(九形人格) test several weeks ago. Some B/S couldn’t distinguish one personality type from another owing to their level scores for various personality items. In an effort to help B/S know more about themselves, Jimmy is going to add more remarks on the front of results interpretation, and of course, its applications, limitations as well as confusion. Not only does ”九形人格” help us know who we are, it also enables us to discover the gift and talents given by our beloved God.

Jimmy will put more emphasis on how the psychological test relates to the Bible. For instance, immediately after recognizing our personality, how can we make our light shine by developing the quality of being good, honest and truthful as if the Bible teaches us ? Jimmy will also introduce us to several appropriate prayers, and most likely the mentor will discuss the ways we can learn from each other given character dissimilarities amongst B/S. In sum, the key focus of the coming workshop will be the channels we can understand and spiritually upgrade ourselves based on the principles and teachings of the holy book.

Philippians. Support each other, Learn more from each other.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

June-15 (This Sunday !)
Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: Nicole

July-13 (With effect from July, fellowships will be held on the second and last Sundays until further notice)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu