
Fellowship this Sunday (June 1)

Dear B/S,

Well ! It is coming round to Bible Study Fellowship again. We are to study Daniel Chapter 7 this Sunday, June 1. You might have learnt that Daniel encountered a series of visions, Chapter 7 particularly talks about the dream and vision that Daniel had while he was asleep one night. There were four powerful beasts.............What the devil do you think they are ???

I am enclosing a WORD file (pls get it from my email if you are browsing our blog) with relevant question sheets in case you don’t have it. As usual, the BSF will be held at 來恩樓7樓 at 2:15pm this Sunday. I will see you then !

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

June-15 (Three Weeks Later !)
Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

July-13 (With effect from July, fellowships will be held on the second and last Sundays until further notice)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

Chairperson : Nelvin
To Share Hymns: Carol
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com)

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


"九型人格" personality test and its applications

Dear B/S,

I found a website (http://tzemaggie.sinatown.com/main5.htm) that offers an enormous set of 180 ”九型人格” questions (so it should be representative enough) ! It also gives thorough interpretation of test result. More importantly, it gives SUGGESTIONS to different types of persons. In addition to knowing oneself and others (in order to more effectively deal with others, e.g. to advance or retreat when there is a confrontation in social setting), it says that the equally important application for us to note is the “Early Alarm System” which should be ready in good time before one’s personality becoming “UNHEALTHY”. Those “suggestions” tell us how to match our strengths with opportunities and avoid potential threats by recognizing weaknesses of a particular personality. VERY USEFUL !

Jimmy, 鄺炳釗博士 wrote a relevant book called “從聖經看如何認識和提升自己”, the above-mentioned website cited it. I am not sure it is you who mentioned this sometime ago ? I wonder if you have it and it may be useful to B/S, at least for our second workshop of “自我認識與成長” ? It is just my foolish idea, forget it if it doesn’t apply.

At last, it is encouraging to hear from today’s fresh news that there are more survivors discovered after they had been covered up by more than 180 hours ! Sadly, it is sorrowful to hear that proven death toll of the earthquake rockets above 34,000 and there were more than 7,000 follow-through shocks so far. Let’s continue to support the victims spiritually through prayers and financially (but please beware of fraudulent donation requests, as news reported) !

May God bless China and his united countrymen.

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship this Sunday (May 18)

Dear B/S,

Are you in search of a suitable post for serving our Lord and brothers/sisters ? Are you at a crossroads or in a period of stagnation on your spiritual pathway ? Are you always feeling tough with or pressure in fulfilling your serving role wholeheartedly either in church or workplace ? If the answer is unequivocally “yes”, you could have chosen a serving task whose requirements do not match well with your personality traits. In all circumstances, it would be good to know our true self. In light of this, Philippian Fellowship will have a series of two (or possibly three) workshops covering the topic of “自我認識與成長”. In the coming fellowship this Sunday, Jimmy is to kick off the first workshop by leading us to take a psychological test called “Enneagram of Personality” (九形人格). It is a test about character classification, the theory of the personality asserts that one's character is basically divided into nine categories which are inherent from within and will not change. This nine types of personality can be broadly grouped into three energy centers namely (a) Thinking-oriented personality ; (b) Feeling-oriented personality and ; (c) Instinct-oriented personality. Sounds interesting, and Jimmy will have more details on Sunday. Everyone is gifted with some fine attributes from God to serve HIM, this personality test may help you discover those attributes and answer the question - “What type of person am I ?”.

In addition to the above, Angel will share with us her testimony this week as she has just accepted baptism.

Brothers/Sisters who serve the forthcoming fellowships :

May-18 (This Sunday !)
Sharing: Angel
Chairperson : Carmen
To Share Hymns: Calvin
Pianist: Stephen

Sharing: Rebecca
Chairperson : Billy
To Share Hymns: Stephanie
Pianist: (Who ?)

July-6 (Will double check if this starts moving to the 2nd week, i.e. July-13)
Chairperson : Elaine
To Share Hymns: Angel
Pianist: (Who ?)

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please browse/bookmark our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Important Notifications

Dear B/S,

I would like to make some important notifications as follows:

(1) We would like to congratulate Angel upon her baptism which will take place this Sunday, the 11th May. Everyone is graciously invited to witness this important event. The baptism will be held at 11:30am (i.e the third Sunday Service session).

(2) In case you don’t have the question sheets for our next BSF class (Daniel Chapter 7) which will be held on June 1, please use the attached electronic copy.

(3) In the 2H this year, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) classes will be moved to the final Sunday for each of the respective months (i.e. the 4th or 5th Sunday depending on number of weeks a month has). To cope with this change, it has been decided that our fellowship gatherings in the 2H08 to be temporary moved to the 2nd Sunday and the final Sunday of relevant months. For those B/S who signed up previously for chairing meetings/sharing hymns, please now take note to shift forward your schedules. In particular, if you were assigned to do it in the 1st week, you are kindly requested to do it in the 2nd week. As usual, I will e-alert you the exact duty schedules in good time.

(4) Yannie and Annie, you two were previously opted to share your testimonies on Aug 17. In consideration of the above-mentioned change, would you be able to do it on Aug 10 ? Does it fit well into your duty rosters ? If not, you can do it on any of the following dates : Sept 14, Oct 12, Nov 9 or Dec 14. Please advise me your convenient date. Thanks !

(Tip: Want to check all our previous communications ? Please go to our Philippian blog - http://hkphi.blogspot.com/ )

In Christ,

Antony Chiu