
成人部交流會 + BSF this Sunday (4 Nov)

Dear B/S,

(1) Our spiritual tutor, Jimmy, highly recommends us to join the 成人部交流會 on this coming Sunday (4 Nov : 1-3pm ; 來恩樓六樓 is the venue for this cocktail). As Philippian Fellowship will be promoted to 成人部 starting 2008, this occasion provides us an opportunity to know more about the department and get together with other fellowmen. Please indicate your attendance to Yvonne at yvonnemwh@yahoo.com.hk by this Wednesday for food preparation.

(2) The fellowship activity for this coming Sunday (4th November) is again Bible Study Fellowship. The bible scripture we are going to study in this third session is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 3: Verses 1-30. If you don’t have the set of questions, please get the WORD document from the my email. As there will be a “成人部交流會” during 1-3pm, Bible Study Fellowship for this week will start a bit later at 3:00pm. If you haven’t completed your homework, you are encouraged to do it during the rest of this week !! As usual, please do remember that you need to bring your own bible. Please proceed to the Assembly Hall at 3:00pm and we shall have our worship before study in groups.

See you all on this coming Sunday !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Fellowship reminder for this coming Sunday - 21 October

Hello all,

You are cordially reminded to come to our fellowship on this Sunday (21st October). This week, we shall have three sisters, namely Winnie, Ivy and Yvonne, coming to share with us their religious testimonies and spiritual growth. I overheard that they are very serious about this and are in their processes of writing down their testimonies..... Do come and listen their stories. Immediately after that, we are going to have a celebration party for our seventh anniversary of our Philippians Fellowship. Don't forget we also need hymns practice for the wedding ceremony of Carmen and Billy to complete the fellowship this week.

Do join and I shall see you all on this Sunday ! Have a nice week !

People on duty this week : Doris (chairlady), Calvin (hymns sharing) and Nicole (pianist). Thanks for their contributions !

This message is also on our convenient blog : http://hkphi.blogspot.com/

In Christ,

Antony Chiu


Question sheets for Bible Study Fellowship #3

Hi, the question sheets for Bible Study Fellowship #3 was sent out by me to your email A/C today. Pls retrieve it from your email A/C if you don't have one......

Antony Chiu


Philippians' Macau Trip Photos

Hi friends,

I just uploaded the photos of our Macau trip. Also I have written a brief travelogue (in my perspective...) about the trip. Please have a look!




Bible Study Fellowship on this coming Sunday (7th Oct)

Dear all,

The fellowship activity for this coming Sunday (7th October) is again Bible Study Fellowship. The bible scripture we are going to study in this Session 2 is Daniel (但以理書) Chapter 2: verses 1-49. If you don't have the set of questions, please check my email for the WORD document. YOU ARE REMINDED TO ATTEMPT THE QUESTIONS BEFORE COMING TO OUR DISCUSSION GROUPS. ALSO, PLEASE DO REMEMBER BRING YOUR OWN BIBLE.

Please proceed to the Assembly Hall at 2:15pm and we shall have our worship first. See you all on this Sunday !

In Christ,

Antony Chiu

A Big Thank You to all!

I would like to express my gratitude to all of us who has made this Macau trip go so smoothly. Overall I enjoyed the trip very much and I feel the presence of God with us. Thanks for our time being together and through this trip we get to know each other more.

I will upload my photos onto my multiply.com photo album when I have free time. Also I will try to write up a travelogue of our trip as well.

I will be extremely busy this coming month as well, with piano teaching and piano accompaniment filling up my schedule. Please pray for my health, my time organisation as well as being able to find time to relax.